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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Psycho/Spiritual Healing
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1 "There is a way to resolve the current crises and tensions our polarized nations and their conflicting political systems are experiencing. It is known by various names: the Path of Synthesis, the Third Way, the Way of the Disciple, or simply, the Way of the Soul." Soul Centered Astrology, A Key to Your Expanding Self (Alan Oken)

2 "Everything around a person is calculated to assist him, if he only understands it." The Inner Life (Charles W. Leadbeater)

3 "We have no claim to pass judgment on others….we know well that anger at wrongs must be transformed into shared pain at common suffering, and into resolve toward change…Conflict must be transformed into creative, cooperative peace." A Retreat With St. Bonaventure (Leonard J. Bowman)

4 "Awareness of my Sacred Origin has the power to uplift me to a serenity which no conflict or suffering can disturb. Yet to live in this awareness does not imply selfish placidity; it does not remove me from the anguish and effort of the common life. On the contrary, I am better equipped to stand up under the pressures and conflicts of daily existence. I feel stronger and wiser because I realize that our Eternal Origin originates each one of us uniquely." On Being Yourself, Reflections on Spirituality and Originality (Adrian VanKaam, C.S.Sp.)

5 "All the great teachers have said: As you make your way through the mists of uncertainty, trust that the combined wisdom of your heart and mind will lead you to the truth." Making Peace With God, A Practical Guide (Harold Bloomfield, M.D. & Philip Goldberg, Ph.D.)

6 "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." Albert Einstein Saint Germain's Prophecy for the New Millennium (Elizabeth Clare Prophet)

7 "Each of us has a special gift to give to this life and each of us is inevitably led to that path. It is impossible to miss our life's purpose." Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing (Caroline Myss)

8 "There is no way of side-stepping the law of God, because it is written in our own subconscious minds." The Healing Light (Agnes Sanford)

9 "All of life's events can be made sacred, whether it's visiting friends, cooking a meal, bathing your child or paying your bills." Making Peace With God, A Practical Guide (Harold Bloomfield, M.D. & Philip Goldberg, Ph.D.)

10 "The resurrective tendency of the universe is always at work in our personal trials and in our collective challenges. God, in His awesomeness and infinitude, has provided a solution to every problem, the moment the problem occurs. The part that any of us can play in providing that solution is etched on our hearts." Everyday Grace, Having Hope, Finding Forgiveness, and Making Miracles (Marianne Williamson)

11 "One blood pours through human veins;…we are all the children of one Father….This basic unity must now be recognized." The Externalization of the Hierarchy (Alice A. Bailey)

12 "The feeling of aloneness should be transmuted and superseded by the certainty of all-oneness." Saint Germain on Alchemy (Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet)

13 "The Lord of all Love is with you, especially in your pain, fear and uncertainty." The Light of Love (Patricia Devlin)

14 "Through education and through life itself, powers which at first only slept in us developed out of the depths of our human constitution. And now that we possess the powers developed by education and by life we must be able to say to ourselves: Within our souls may sleep other powers also which could be unfolded from some starting point that life provides." Reincarnation and Immortality (Rudolf Steiner)

15 "Even if someone has wronged you, consider carefully how you speak to them, for all souls are one." Miraculous Living (Rabbi Shoni Labowitz)

16 "Free and conscious cooperation in the great life of the All alone can make personal life worth living." Mysticism (Evelyn Underhill)

17 "When suffering grows, the invincible force of nature moves to set man's vision right and establish a way of life which will again fulfil the high purpose of his existence. The long history of the world records many such periods in which the ideal pattern of life is first forgotten and then restored to man." Maharishi Mahesh Yogi On The Bhagavad-Gita (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi)

18 "In times of suffering, when you feel abandoned, perhaps even annihilated, there is occurring – at levels deeper than your pain – the entry of the sacred, the possibility of redemption." The Search for the Beloved (Jean Houston)

19 "Each soul grows into the way of light through service rendered, through experience gained, through mistakes made, and through lessons learnt. That necessarily must be personal and individual. But the work itself is one. The Path is one. The love is one. The goal is one. These are the points that matter." Esoteric Psychology II (Alice A. Bailey)

20 "This, then is the full satisfaction of souls, this the happy life: to recognize piously and completely the One through Whom you are led into the truth, the nature of the truth you enjoy, and the bond that connects you with the supreme measure." St. Augustine, 'De Vita Beata' (4th century) The Book of Catholic Quotations (John Chapin, Editor)

21 "Suffering is an occasion for wisdom, and wisdom is an essential ingredient in happiness." Heaven, The Heart's Deepest Longing (Peter Kreeft)

22 "Our own psyche [is] constantly at work creating new spiritual forms and spiritual forces which may help us." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

23 "Great emegencies and crises show us how much greater our vital resources are than we had supposed." William James (1842-1910), 'The Letters of William James' Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 16th edition (John Bartlett)

24 "It still all comes down to the same thing. Life is beautiful. And I believe in God. And I want to be there right in the thick of what people call 'horror' and still be able to say: Life is beautiful." Etty Hillesum, 29-year-old Jewish woman who died at Auschwitz, November, 1943, 'An Interrupted Life' A Tree Full of Angels (Macrina Wiederkehr)

25 "Light is here, unheralded and unnoticed, living us, supporting and warming us – the very spark of Being Itself. The Divine Child of us IS that Light, here and now." The Child Within Us Lives!, A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics (William Samuel)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite