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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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World Soul
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1 "This vast congeries of volitions, interests, and activities, constitutes the instruments and means of the world-spirit for attaining its object; bringing it to consciousness, and realizing it. And this aim is none other than finding itself – coming to itself – and contemplating itself in concrete actuality." Georg W. F. Hegel (1770-1831), German philosopher A Treasury of Philosophy, Vol. 1 (Dagobert D. Runes, editor)

2 "Inner forces guide the evolution of humanity." Reincarnation and Immortality (Rudolf Steiner)

3 "Innate in all evolving life, is the eternal attraction toward attainment of archetypal perfection. This will-to-perfection is imperative in evolution, having been ceaselessly active throughout the universe from the beginning. It provides the orientation that guides Nature in the slow evolution of all forms and species toward their fulfillment." James S. Perkins, 'The Rhythmic Return to Equilibrium' Karma, The Universal Law of Harmony (Virginia Hanson and Rosemarie Stewart, editors)

4 "The original virtue and vigour of all things depend upon the soul of the world. All Platonists, Pythagoreans, Orpheus, Trismegistus, Aristotle, Theophrastus, Avicenna, Algazel, and all Peripatetics confess and confirm this." The History of Magic and the Occult (Kurt Seligmann)

5 “There are fiery sparks of the World-Soul, that is of the light of nature, dispersed or scattered at God’s command in and through the fabric of the great world into all fruits of the elements everywhere.” Khunrath (1560-1605) Collected Works (Carl Jung)

6 "A spiritual evolution, an evolution of consciousness in Matter in a constant developing self-formation till the form can reveal the indwelling Spirit, is…the key-note, the central significant motive of the terrestrial existence." A Greater Psychology, An Introduction to Sri Aurobindo's Psychological Thought (Sri Aurobindo, edited by A. S. Dalal)

7 "As our body while consisting of human members is yet held together by one soul, so the universe is to be thought of as an immense living being which is held together by one soul." Origen The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets (Barbara G. Walker)

8 "All participate in and reflect the same universal processes of growth. Our planet is informed with a life and a spirit which is gradually unfolding itself, realizing its latent potentials. This process repeats itself on every level of being." The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation (The Findhorn Community)

9 "Nature herself can be felt as a power presiding over the molding of her budding and growing creatures, suiting their physical structure to the lives they have to live, and endowing them with strength and soul proportionate to the tasks she intends them to perform." Introduction to 'On Man In The Universe' by Aristotle, Wm. J. Black 1971, p. xxv On Man In The Universe (Aristotle, edited w/ intro by Louise Ropes Loomis)

10 "The evolution of the cosmos is a creative play of consciousness for the purpose of revealing itself to itself in manifestation." The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist's Guide to Enlightenment (Amit Goswami, Ph.D.)

11 “The world-soul pervades all things.” Collected Works (Carl Jung)

12 "The Eternal Mind diffused through all the parts of nature actuates the whole stupendous frame and mingles with the vast body of the universe." Virgil The Secret Doctrine (Helena P. Blavatsky)

13 "Our life is maintained by continual inflow from the World-soul." God and The Evolving Universe: The Next Step in Personal Evolution (James Redfield, Michael Murphy and Sylvia Timbers)

14 “The spirit of life is not only indwelling in all living things, but immanent in everything that exists, as the world-soul.” Collected Works (Carl Jung)

15 "The Neter (Nature) is alive, it will always act in the rhythm of its nature but will adapt itself harmonically to ambient conditions." Nature Word (R. A. Schwaller deLubicz)

16 “Since the generated world is a collective whole, if we apply the ears of our intellect to the world we shall, perhaps, hear it thus addressing us: ‘There is no doubt but I was composed from all animals, entirely sufficient to myself, and destitute of nothing;…All things are contained in my ample bosom.” Plotinus, ‘On Providence’ Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (Manly P. Hall)

17 "Man can rise to the consciousness of the World Soul – thereby becoming in actuality what he already is potentially." The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View (Richard Tarnas)

18 "We are a transitional species evolving toward that higher, divine human which has been embodied by the great avatars of the human race and which is being activated in millions of us now, as the whole planetary body enters its 'crisis of birth', its time of trial, when the whole must coordinate and integrate itself as one living system." Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Discovery of a New Ordering of the Future' New Thoughts for a New Millennium (Michael A. Maday, editor)

19 "The world moves on, and everything in it, from sunrise to sunset, from new moon to full moon, from century to century, as if it had intelligence; as an arrow flies to its mark as though it had eyes. The arrow is in fact directed by eyes, but by the eyes and hands of the archer; the world too is directed by an intelligence, by the intelligence of God." My Way of Life, The Summa Simplified for Everyone (Walter Farrell and Martin J. Healy)

20 "In the great corporeal world, which appears in different forms, of air, earth, sea and fire, a divine soul does rule, a deity does govern wisely." Marcus Manilius, 'Astronomy to Augustus', modernized The History of Magic and the Occult (Kurt Seligmann)

21 "The world soul-spirit animates all bodies." The History of Magic and the Occult (Kurt Seligmann)

22 "One who sees the Supersoul in every living being and equal everywhere does not degrade himself by his mind. Thus he approaches the transcendental destination." Bhagavad Gita, ch. 13, v. 29 Bhagavad-Gita As It Is (A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)

23 "All upon the earth lives, moves and has its being and is dependent upon this intelligence called the Earth Soul or Earth Mother." C. R. F. Seymour, 'The Old Gods' Angels and Mortals, Their Co-Creative Power (Maria Parisen, compiler)

24 "The earth is not a dead body, but is inhabited by a spirit that is its life and soul. All created things, minerals included, draw their strength from the earth spirit. This spirit is life." Basilius Valentinus, Alchemist The Way of The Earth, Encounters with Nature in Ancient and Contemporary Thought (T. C. McLuhan)

25 "The one Master is found within; it is the soul….This one Master is a corporate part of the Whole, of the All-Soul." The Light of the Soul (Alice A. Bailey)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite