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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Light of Love
Patricia Devlin
The personal story of a woman blind from birth, who chronicles her spiritual experiences and how God has helped her to overcome tremendous life challenges.

1 "Your soul is made in God's imageā€¦..You have, to the degree that you need it, an understanding of how you, each in your own way, can best reflect His image."

2 "Each one of us comes from the loving hand of God and each of us has a purpose for being here on earth." Fr. Francis E. Butler, S.S.J.

3 "God loves us so much that our prayers and offerings of love, small as they are, really DO make a great difference in the universe."

4 "The One created you."

5 "The Lord of all Love is with you, especially in your pain, fear and uncertainty."

6 "All life is an opportunity for love."

7 "It is impossible to hate or wish ill towards a person for whom one is in deep prayer."

8 "Each choice against good is a choice against God and His Laws of Love."

9 "God has not abandoned us. We are not forsaken. We are precious beyond anything we could imagineā€¦because the love of God, which is fully ours, is infinite; and so we are infinitely precious."

10 "As Saint Peter says in 1 Peter 4:8, 'Above all, let your love for one another be intense, because love covers a multitude of sins.'"

11 "God loves us and created us with the flame of His Spirit within us."

12 "The labor of love is all consuming. You have no more time or energy or desire to point fingers at others when you are laboring in love. The needs of others cry out to you."

13 "Speak lovingly and gently to each other in your homes and in your everyday actions. It is through these little acts of kindness and understanding that you will be particularly blessed."

14 "We have the flame of God's Spirit in us and the mark of His love on our souls."

15 "The love of God is everything."

16 "Nothing but love truly has being."

17 "Each of our souls is created by God for a specific and beautiful purpose."

18 "Difficulties strengthen you if you will allow them to do so. They will permit you to love and be loved abundantly."

19 "Small efforts can bring about such great good. Glory be to God."

20 "The greatest wisdom is patience without drudgery, love without bitterness, kindness without demands."

21 "Our Lord of Light and Love is all."

22 "I would be in the deepest depression now because of my physical limitations if it were not for my certain knowledge, not faith but knowledge, that my Lord has a purpose, a plan, and an unshakable love for me and every single one of us."

23 "Each of you can be a pure image [ of God]. You become purer as your love grows, and your love grows as you choose to love. You decide."

24 "The love of the God of the universe is a personal love for each of His children. It is only because of this personal love that it was possible for the whole universe to come into being. Without His love for the smallest and weakest of His children, how could care have been taken in the creation of anything?"

25 "It is to this God in agony [Christ crucified] that those broken in heart, body and spirit can say, 'You understand. You know how it feels. I will trust You."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite