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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "The materialization of a form originates upon the archetypal planes, through the agency of divine thought, and from thence (through directed streams of intelligent energy) acquires substance as it is reproduced upon each plane, until eventually, upon the physical plane, the form stands revealed at its densest point of manifestation." A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (Alice A. Bailey)

2 "The essential realizations of the pivotal work of Jung's career were, first, that since the archetypes or norms of myth are common to the human species, they are inherently expressive neither of local social circumstance nor of any individual's singular experience, but of common human needs, instincts, and potentials." Joseph Campbell, 'The Portable Jung' Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy (Ken Wilber)

3 "We are all made in the image of God. That is the ultimate archetype of man." The Power of Myth (Joseph Campbell)

4 "Archetypes were, and still are, living psychic forces that demand to be taken seriously, and they have a strange way of making sure of their effect. Always they were the bringers of protection and salvation." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

5 "Archetypal images have something in common throughout mankind." The Transforming Mind (Laurence and Phoebe Bendit)

6 "The earth is identical with the sublime figure of Wisdom….On closer examination this is really a tremendous thought. The 'Wisdom of God' in the Bible was the playmate of Yahweh, who was with him before the beginning of the world. In patristic literature she was defined as the 'archetypal world' or as the sum of eternal ideas in the mind of God, the prototypes from which he created all things." Aurora Consurgens (Marie Louise vonFranz)

7 "Since the archetypes, or elementary ideas, are not limited in their distributions by cultural or even linguistic boundaries, they cannot be defined as culturally determined." The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, Metaphor as Myth and as Religion (Joseph Campbell)

8 "The prototypes of the images and forms utilized by the oneirocritic, poetic and prophetic idioms, can be found around us in Nature, revealing herself as a world of materialized dream, as a prophetic language whose hieroglyphics are beings and forms." Franz P. Schubert (1797-1828), Austrian composer, 'Symbolik des Traumes' A Dictionary of Symbols (J. E. Cirlot)

9 "All the tableau of the Major Arcana (of the Tarot), the pictorial forms, patterns, and colors, like the world itself, are expressions of archetypal Ideas, themselves the formative powers of the Macrocosmic plane." Tarot Revelations (Joseph Campbell & Richard Roberts)

10 "Symbols, images, and archetypes are indeed, and function as, a bridge or connection between the known and the unknown, the conscious and the Deep Mind, actuality and potentiality. They are elements in a progressive developmental path or curriculum by which the many can become one, by which the profane can be linked with the sacred, and by which the supreme synthesis of finding Union with God can be realized – the true purpose and destiny of all human beings on earth." Divine Light and Fire, Experiencing Esoteric Christianity (Peter Roche deCoppens)

11 "As animals of the same kind show the same instinctual phenomena all over the world, man also shows the same archetypal forms no matter where he lives. As animals have no need to be taught their instinctive activities, so man also possesses his primordial psychic patterns and repeats them spontaneously, independently of any kind of teaching." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1951-1961 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

12 "The Absolute or Supreme God is the basic, or final Archetype in which all lesser archetypes originate and are resolved." The Transforming Mind (Laurence and Phoebe Bendit)

13 "Archetypal images provide us with a 'self-portrait' of the psyche." Mirrors of The Self, Archetypal Images That Shape Your Life (Christine Downing, editor)

14 "The 'imago Dei' [God-image], is the archetype of the self in us." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1951-1961 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

15 "Mankind has common instincts of imagination and of action. All conscious imagination and action have been developed with unconscious archetypal images as their basis, and always remain bound up with them." C. G. Jung The Secret of the Golden Flower (Richard Wilhelm, translator)

16 "The soul, which is immortal, has an arithmetical, as the body has a geometrical, beginning. This beginning, as the reflection of the great universal Archaeus, is self-moving, and from the centre diffuses itself over the whole body of the microcosm." Isis Unveiled (Helena P. Blavatsky)

17 "Evolution systematically reveals the divine archetypes, the Ideas of Plato. Forms unfold through evolution according to the pattern impressed on them by the archetype that governs their particular structure." Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight (Shirley Nicholson)

18 "Empirically it can be established, with a sufficient degree of probability, that there is in the unconscious an archetype of wholeness which manifests itself spontaneously in dreams, etc., and a tendency, independent of the conscious will, to relate other archetypes to this centre." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

19 "Appearing in dreams, fantasy, art, myth, and religion, and even in scientific thought, the archetypes design the entire field of human experience." Journey Into Consciousness: The Chakras, Tantra and Jungian Psychology (Charles Breaux)

20 "The great mystics such as Shankara, Plato and Augustine used the term 'archetype' to designate the first subtle forms that appear as the world manifests out of unmanifest Spirit. They are the fundamental patterns upon which all patterns of manifestation are based. The Greek term, 'arche typon', meant original pattern. These subtle, transcendental forms, then, are the first forms of manifestation." Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing Through Spiritual Illusions (Frances Vaughan, Ph.D.)

21 "Archetypes form the world and also stand beyond it. They manifest themselves within time and yet are timeless. They constitute the veiled essence of things." The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View (Richard Tarnas)

22 "The 'Ideal Forms' are the archetypal or formative ideas…the eternal and subjective concepts of things subsisting in the divine mind prior to becoming." The Secret Doctrine (Helena P. Blavatsky)

23 “Archetypes represent the law-determined course of all experienceable things.” Basic Writings of C G Jung (V S DeLasslo, editor)

24 "The unconscious, as the totality of all archetypes, is the deposit of all human experience right back to its remotest beginnings. Not, indeed, a dead deposit, a sort of abandoned rubbish-heap, but a living system of reactions and aptitudes that determine the individual's life in invisible ways." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

25 "In volume 18 of his Collected Works, Jung explained: 'The archetype is an inherited tendency of the human mind to form representations of mythological motifs – representations that vary a great deal without losing their basic pattern.'" Our Dreaming Mind (Robert L. Van deCastle, Ph.D.)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite