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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "Archetypes are organs of Essence, the cosmic blueprints of how it all works." A Mythic Life, Learning to Live our Greater Story (Jean Houston)

2 "Archetypes form the world and also stand beyond it. They manifest themselves within time and yet are timeless. They constitute the veiled essence of things." The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View (Richard Tarnas)

3 "The archetypes of the psychic processes – in which the great universal truths about the nature of man are contained – rest in the deepest recesses of the objective unconscious." Jung's Psychology and Its Social Meaning (Ira Progoff, Ph.D.)

4 "Numbers keep recurring not because we make them do so but because they are inherent in the proportions of nature that express the timeless mathematical archetypes." A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art & Science (Michael S. Schneider)

5 "This world is but the shadow of God….All that is in the invisible archetypal sphere is revealed in the sensible corporeal world by the light of Nature." The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Manly P. Hall)

6 "The archetypes…are the first point where our formless or seamless organismic consciousness starts to take on an animate form." Spectrum of Consciousness (Ken Wilber)

7 "According to the Ancient Wisdom, the world issues by means of archetypes, the Divine Ideas or forms of Plato. These are nonmaterial matrices or guiding fields, geometric in nature, which shape forms from within." Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight (Shirley Nicholson)

8 "The Jungian archetypes have something in common with Bohm's implicate order. The archetypes are the structuring principles that underlie individual and collective behavior. As structuring principles they are never pereived or experienced directly but appear as images and myths and are manifest within dreams and patterns of behavior." From Certainty to Uncertainty, the Story of Science and Ideas in the Twentieth Century (F. David Peat)

9 "The fact is that with the knowledge and actual experience of these inner images [archetypes] a way is opened for reason and feeling to gain access to those other images which the teachings of religion offer to mankind." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

10 "The human body (is) a miniature replica of the earth's surface. For it resembles our outer planet remarkably, being composed of the same elements in the same proportion: three quarters water and one quarter solids, both organic and inorganic, with swift internal flows, occasional eruptions and gentle daily tides. And there is a corresponding similarity between the atom and the solar system, where the sun represents the proton and the planets the electrons that orbit around it. Such preponderant structures notably demonstrate how material forms are ordered in regular and meaningful ways by nonmaterial abstractions, such as symmetry and conceptual archetypes. This applies to everything from crystals to supergalaxies, all of which in essence may be considered alive." Seven Mysteries of Life, An Exploration in Science and Philosophy (Guy Murchie)

11 "Archetypal ideas are part of the indestructible foundations of the human mind. However long they are forgotten and buried, always they return….continually reproducing themselves in new forms representing the timeless truths that are innate in man's nature." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

12 "Appearing in dreams, fantasy, art, myth, and religion, and even in scientific thought, the archetypes design the entire field of human experience." Journey Into Consciousness: The Chakras, Tantra and Jungian Psychology (Charles Breaux)

13 "The feminine aspect of the God-image, as an archetype, is in fact form without limitation, eternal and yet manifest and repeatable in an infinite number of individuals." Aurora Consurgens (Marie Louise vonFranz)

14 "The point of archetypal images, like the point of myths, is not problem solving but imagining, questioning, going deeper. Archetypal images free us from identifying ourselves with our literal failures and successes or from seeing our lives as banal, or trivial. The aim in attending to these images is to awaken us to a sense of our yet unrealized latent possibilities, to save us from our sense of isolation and meaninglessness. It is to open up our lives to renewal and reshaping. Attending to the images creates a new bond between our personal lives and the collective experience of humankind." Mirrors of The Self, Archetypal Images That Shape Your Life (Christine Downing, editor)

15 "The archetype is a structural element of the psyche that we find everywhere and at all times; and it is that in which all individual psyches are identical with each other, and where they function as if they were the one undivided Psyche the ancients called 'anima mundi' [world soul]." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1951-1961 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

16 "The prototypes of the images and forms utilized by the oneirocritic, poetic and prophetic idioms, can be found around us in Nature, revealing herself as a world of materialized dream, as a prophetic language whose hieroglyphics are beings and forms." Franz P. Schubert (1797-1828), Austrian composer, 'Symbolik des Traumes' A Dictionary of Symbols (J. E. Cirlot)

17 "Archetypes are universal in that they are the same to everyone everywhere and in every era." A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art & Science (Michael S. Schneider)

18 "The archetype as a phenomenon is conditioned by place and time, but on the other hand, it is an invisible structural pattern independent of place and time, and like the instincts, proves to be an essential component of the psyche." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1906-1950 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

19 "The significant point: every physicist in this volume was profoundly struck by the fact that the natural realm obeys in some sense the laws or forms of mathematics, or, in general, obeys some sort of archetypal mental-forms." Quantum Questions, Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists (Ken Wilber, editor)

20 "The archetypes represent the uniquely human means whereby instinctual, biological energy is transformed into the meaningful symbolic life of the human psyche." J. J. Clarke The Strong Eye of Shamanism, A Journey Into the Caves of Consciousness (Robert E. Ryan, Ph.D.)

21 "Archetypes are the architects of our lives. They are the energy companions through whom we can learn to understand ourselves." Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential (Caroline Myss)

22 "The sun makes of our planet an alchemical retort in which the ocean waters are lifted to heaven and then, their impurities distilled away, are returned to the earth in drops of rain. This continuous circular process epitomizes the natural interrelationship between heaven and earth – between the archetypal figures of the collective unconscious and man's ego reality." Sallie Nichols, Jungian author Angels and Mortals, Their Co-Creative Power (Maria Parisen, compiler)

23 “Archetypes represent the precipitate of psychic functioning of the whole ancestral line, i.e., the heaped-up, or pooled, experiences of organic existence in general, a million times repeated, and condensed into types. Hence, in these archetypes all experiences are represented which since primeval time have happened on this planet.” Basic Writings of C G Jung (V S DeLasslo, editor)

24 "I understand that there arise and are made in me, when I seek them out earnestly, certain ideas like intelligible species, of the intelligibles within, which I contemplate with the mind alone." John Scotus Eriugena (800?-877?), 'On The Division of Nature', Selections From Medieval Philosophers (Richard McKeon, editor and translator)

25 "Quintessentially, archetypes are about relationship….As inhabitants of the We Are realm, archetypes bridge spirit with nature, mind with body, and self with universe. They are always within us, essential elements within the structure of our psyches." A Mythic Life, Learning to Live our Greater Story (Jean Houston)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite