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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Making Peace With God, A Practical Guide
Harold Bloomfield, M.D. & Philip Goldberg, Ph.D.

1 "The eternal Oneness underlies and permeates all impermanent phenomena."

2 "Prayer is the energy feedback God gets from us, His creation. Prayer completes the circuit of God's energy and helps to keep it flowing." Rabbi Zalman Schacter-Shalomi

3 "The miracle is that, even in the midst of immense distress, human beings have managed to find the light."

4 "I am He whom I love and He whom I love is I." Al-Hallaj

5 "All of life's events can be made sacred, whether it's visiting friends, cooking a meal, bathing your child or paying your bills."

6 "How about practicing by seeing the spark of the Divine in the next person you encounter, as in the traditional Hindu greeting, 'Namaste'? From there it can spread, one step at a time."

7 "The peace of the awakened individual spreads, not only through acts of goodness but by pulsating outward like radio waves through prayer, meditation and the pure emanations of the soul."

8 "We are all roommates, cohabitating in a universe of unbroken wholeness."

9 "Evidence suggests that the original meaning of the phrase that has come down to us as 'fear of God' was something more like awe. And awe, wrote Abraham Joshua Heschel, 'enables us to perceive in the world intimations of the divine, to sense in small things the beginning of infinite significance, to sense the ultimate in the common and the simple, to feel in the rush of the passing the stillness of the eternal'."

10 "One's self is the Self of the universe."

11 "There are joys which long to be ours. God sends ten thousand truths, which come about us like birds seeking inlet." Henry Ward Beecher, 19th century American minister

12 "The peace of God is in every moment, whether you've made peace with God or not. 'There is a crack in everything', sang Leonard Cohen. 'That's how the light gets in'. By fixing the radar of consciousness fully on the present, you may very well locate the crack where divine Presence shines through."

13 "We are all the children of one God."

14 "We yearn for the Divine because we ARE divine. It is our essential nature, the part of our identity that is created 'in the image and likeness of God' – and we are drawn to realize it the way rivers are obliged to run toward the sea and plants bend toward the sun."

15 "Now is the 'some day' of our myths, a time to realize humanity's ancient dream of Heaven's peace on Earth. One by one we awaken ourselves; all in one we awaken the planet. We human beings, fashioned out of stardust millions of light-years ago, are capable of remembering and re-experiencing our original home in the peace of God. With that awareness, we can cocreate with God a world that is fully worthy of our stature as spiritual beings in human form – a civilization that delivers divine peace to every soul, turning Homo sapiens into Homo universalis, the human race into human Grace."

16 "The times when God seems absent are also the times God is close, tangible and real." Rev. William Grimbol

17 "The memory of oceanic Oneness is part of our soul's code. It is buried deep in our awareness; our very brains are programmed to reclaim it."

18 "The main impetus for change will come from the millions of individuals like you, who are experiencing directly the peace of God and thereby know – not just believe, not just understand, but know – that the spokes of all religions merge at the hub of divine union. Those who embrace that truth can lead the way to a collective spiritual awakening."

19 "The tools of illumination are the will to know, the will to love and the will to serve." Wu Li

20 "The more you appreciate the world, the more you love it; the more you love the world, the more you appreciate it. This loving appreciation is no mere emotion. It is an immense, dynamic, coherent state of consciousness in which everything is embraced as part of one adorable whole."

21 "The love of God is eternally present, like gravity or electro-magnetism. We don't have to earn it, we have to awaken to it."

22 "God is transcendent and also immanent, formless and form, beyond time and space and within time and space, perfect unity and infinite diversity, one and many, motionless and perpetual motion."

23 "The ideal of man is to see God in everything, but if you cannot see Him in everything, see Him in one thing, in that thing which you like best, and then see Him in another. So on you can go." Swami Vivekananda

24 "It may seem at times that the universe is not only unfriendly but cruel. However, if the mystics and masters who have penetrated the depths of reality are to be believed – and if the ordinary individuals who have tasted union with God can be considered reliable – then we have to conclude that the universe is not only friendly but radiant with love and peace, even as the surface whirls in apparent chaos and destruction."

25 "Gently remind yourself that everything you see, hear, touch, taste and smell contains the same divine spark as you do. 'God himself culminates in the present moment,' wrote [Henry David] Thoreau, 'and will never be more divine in the lapse of all the ages.'"

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite