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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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A Tree Full of Angels
Macrina Wiederkehr
The Benedictine tradition and practice of divine reading made accessible for everyone.

1 "I choose to see us as God beholds us: blessed, good, holy, noble, full of potential and exciting possibility."

2 "Our birth cry is a divine cry. It is God's cry meshed with our own."

3 "Let us try to take seriously the call to be divinized and stop hiding behind the mask of our frailty. There are hints of glory in our lives that yearn for fulfillment. The ache for God lives on in our depths. It gnaws at us and cries out to be named."

4 "To be divinized is your destiny. Your original union yearns for a place in your life."

5 "We have the capacity to be filled with the utter fullness of God."

6 "God's grace is more available than we dare to believe. It's a bit like the little fish who swam up to its mother and asked, 'What is the ocean?' 'You're in it', said the mother. But the little fish swam away disappointed, saying, 'No, this is just water. I want to know what the ocean is.'"

7 "We are rooted in an earth that God has proclaimed good. Here on this good earth we have become flesh with the seed of God hidden in us."

8 "Fairy tales and myths have often been used as vehicles to teach a truth that is too deep for ordinary words."

9 "It still all comes down to the same thing. Life is beautiful. And I believe in God. And I want to be there right in the thick of what people call 'horror' and still be able to say: Life is beautiful." Etty Hillesum, 29-year-old Jewish woman who died at Auschwitz, November, 1943, 'An Interrupted Life'

10 "Implanted in us is a seed of the divine."

11 "My tears know more than I know. That's why it's so important to listen to them, to pray with them."

12 "Life doesn't work without love."

13 "Every experience, every thought, every word, every person in your life is a part of a larger picture of your growth….they can be nourishing if you give them your real presence."

14 "You live in a world of theophanies. Holiness comes wrapped in the ordinary. There are burning bushes all around you. Every tree is full of angels. Hidden beauty is waiting in every crumb."

15 "Real Presence is everywhere, and those with the hearts of children revel in it."

16 "There is a table to which we are invited each day. It offers us trees and stones, sunshine and stars, eagles and angels, roots and water, joy and sorrow, earth and fire, flesh and blood, storms and memories, words and silence, spiders and webs, night and day, death and life, crusts and loaves. It is the table that Love prepares for us each moment. It is the table of daily life. Freely we are invited to come and eat."

17 "Remember the sanctuary within. You carry God wherever you go."

18 "Each of us is called to be bread for the world. Our lives are meant to nourish."

19 "O Most Creaive One, ever bringing me to new life…O Most Powerful One, empowering me for life's journey…O Indwelling One, calling me to my Center…O Beloved One, loving me as I am."

20 "You are pure capacity for God….God has a plan for you."

21 "Linger awhile over each person you meet, each person you live with, each relationship, even those people you see walking through the crowds, the strangers you do not know. Look on them with love. Contemplate them. Take them into your heart."

22 "Prayer does nothing to make God more present, for God is always present. Prayer is our response to the presence of God in our lives."

23 "Two people with unlit lamps can give hope to one another as they remember together the One who is their Light."

24 "We are frail and glorious creatures. Our frailty need not cripple us; our glory need not be denied. Embraced and cherished as part of the process that we are, these qualities become God's greatest advantage in our lives."

25 "Think of the words that have been spoken, written, and sung throughout the ages. The human story is continually told through the great works of literature, history, psychology, science, and so on. Our response to all words, if we want them to feed us, is to listen and connect them to our lives."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite