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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Living Wholeness
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1 "Buddha proclaimed the unity of all living things." Alan W. Watts (1915-1973), American philosopher and author, 'The Spirit of Zen' The Choice Is Always Ours (Dorothy B. Phillips, Chief Editor)

2 "The psyche contains an indwelling sense of its destiny of wholeness." The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead (Stephan A. Hoeller)

3 "Reality [is] one constantly explosive dance of divine energy, love, and bliss, interconnected in all of its events and particulars." The Essential Gay Mystics (Andrew Harvey, Editor)

4 "The truth is, of course, that we are all organically related to God, to Nature and to our fellow men." The Perennial Philosophy (Aldous Huxley)

5 "The bread we eat is the whole cosmos." Living Buddha, Living Christ (Thich Nhat Hanh)

6 "From the unreal to the real is not from one thing to another, but from the complexity of duality and multiplicity to the simplicity of unity." The Glorious Presence (Ernest E. Wood)

7 "Whenever we look at nature and at all phenomena we find it impossible to put our fingers on boundary lines which are definite limits of independent existence. A thing which seems to be separate from one point of view is found from another to be related, and therefore dependent on other existences. Nature is an integrated symbiotic Whole." The Future Is Now: The Significance of Precognition (Arthur W. Osborn)

8 "Our being is enmeshed in endless ways with others and with our environment." Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight (Shirley Nicholson)

9 "It is true that nature is alive, a superbly intricate web of relationships;….Nature appears to be a gigantic living organism, endowed with a will of its own and a complete, well-developed nervous system." Dialogue on Life, Buddhist Perspectives on Life and the Universe (Daisaku Ikeda)

10 "No living form 'hangs in the air.' Each is attached by some part of itself to a pre-existent prototype, to a morphological antecedent – and each is connected also with its neighbouring forms." The Vision of the Past (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

11 "Light and energy and matter all over the universe are composed of moving interference patterns which literally bear the mark of all the other waves of light and energy and matter they've been in contact with, directly or indirectly. In other words, each part or instance of energy and matter encodes an image of the whole." Turbulent Mirror (John Briggs and F. David Peat)

12 "The ancients believed that the theory of humanity's being made in the image of God was to be understood literally. They maintained that the universe was a great organism not unlike the human body, and that every phase and function of the Universal Body had a correspondence in humanity." The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Manly P. Hall)

13 "Total healthiness comes from wholeness, which is holiness. This resonance enables a consonance to sound from microcosm through mesocosm to macrocosm, and is the root and secret to finding unity and the unified experience." Keith Critchlow, 'What Is Sacred in Architecture?" Homage to Pythagoras, Rediscovering Sacred Science (Christopher Bamford, editor)

14 "The substantial ONE and the created MANY fuse without confusion in a WHOLE." The Divine Milieu (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

15 "Human, cosmos, and supersensible worlds are all interdependently linked and have unfolded together. In other words, the creation, elaboration, and progression of the solar system, humanity, and the hierarchies were synchronous events. In a sense, each is a different face in a different context of the same thing: the Logos." The Imagination of Pentecost: Rudolf Steiner & Contemporary Spirituality (Richard Leviton)

16 "The pre-Socratic philosophers of the sixth century, b.c. intimated many of our current notions about consciousness, matter, and the fundamental principles of the world. The Greek astronomer Anaximander, for instance, conceived of reality as a whole whose parts are all interdependent." Breaking the Mind Barrier (Todd Siler)

17 "The cosmos is a living organism." Plotinus, 'The Intelligence, The Ideas, and Being' The Essential Plotinus (Translated by Elmer O'Brien, S.J.)

18 "Souls are not a group of isolated monads…they make up one single whole with the universe." Writings in Time of War (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

19 "Time is the structuring power which divides the universal world process into wholes within wholes within wholes." Occult Preparations for a New Age (Dane Rudhyar)

20 "When you go around the Earth in an hour and a half, you begin to recognize that your identity is with that whole thing. That makes a change….From where you see it, the thing is a whole, and it's so beautiful." Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 astronaut Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing Through Spiritual Illusions (Frances Vaughan, Ph.D.)

21 "Earth is a metabolizing superorganism who maintains her temperature, humidity and other characteristics within viable limits despite much greater changes in her celestial environment." Seven Mysteries of Life, An Exploration in Science and Philosophy (Guy Murchie)

22 "Honor the perfection that resides in each of the parts and the divinity that resides in the whole." Miraculous Living (Rabbi Shoni Labowitz)

23 "As we penetrate into matter, nature does not show us any isolated building blocks, but rather appears as a complicated web of relations between the various parts of the whole." Fritjof Capra, 'The Tao of Physics' The Unfolding Self: Varieties of Transformative Experience (Ralph Metzner)

24 "According to Paracelsus, there is a deep connection between the human being and the entire universe that is hidden in the natural foundation of existence." Mystics after Modernism (Rudolf Steiner)

25 "We are One Essential Whole, expressing Itself through a limitless number of forms and varieties." Soul Centered Astrology, A Key to Your Expanding Self (Alan Oken)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite