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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Book of Catholic Quotations
John Chapin, Editor

1 "Nature reveals its Author, the work suggests the Artist, and the world manifests its Designer." St. Irenaeus, 'Against the Heresies' (2nd century)

2 "Make many acts of love, for they set the soul on fire and make it gentle." St. Teresa of Jesus, 'Maxims' (16th century)

3 "We are not constrained by servile necessity, but act with freewill." St. Ambrose, 'Concerning Jacob', (4th century)

4 "That our will is free is self-evident." Rene Descartes, 'Principles of Philosophy' (17th century)

5 "There is but one point in the universe where God communicates with us, and that is the center of our own soul." Archbishop Ullathorne, 'Humility and Patience' (19th century)

6 "Love and faith are as much realities as artistic faculties, and need similar cultivation." R. H. Benson, 'Lord of the World' (20th century)

7 "Faith opens the door to understanding." St. Augustine, Letter 137, 15 (5th century)

8 "Faith is the beginning and the end is love, and God is the two of them brought into unity." St. Ignatius of Antioch, 'Letter to the Ephesians', (2nd century)

9 "The goodness of God knows how to use our disordered wishes and actions, often lovingly turning them to our advantage while always preserving the beauty of His order." St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 'Letters', 90,6 (12th century)

10 "This, then is the full satisfaction of souls, this the happy life: to recognize piously and completely the One through Whom you are led into the truth, the nature of the truth you enjoy, and the bond that connects you with the supreme measure." St. Augustine, 'De Vita Beata' (4th century)

11 "The greatness of the soul is her capacity for God." Archbishop Ullathorne, 'Humility and Patience' (19th century)

12 "The a masterpiece of divine Providence." St. Thomas Aquinas, 'Contra Gentiles', 3, 77 (13th century)

13 "It is not by themselves being so that humans are gods, but they become gods by participation in that one God." St. Augustine, Sermon 16, 1 (5th century)

14 "In order that you may know that God is one, ask What God is, and you will find Him to be not otherwise than one." Tertullian, 'Against Marcion' (3rd century)

15 "Love is the movement, effusion and advancement of the heart toward the good." St. Francis deSales, 'Treatise on the Love of God' (17th century)

16 "Virtue is a gift from God implanted in our nature." St. John of Damascus, 'Exposition of the Orthodox Faith' (8th century)

17 "There are no galley slaves in the royal vessel of divine love – every one works his oar voluntarily." Jean Pierre Camus, 'The Spirit of St. Francis deSales' (17th century),

18 "Catholicism admits the presence of God in creation, which is a continual act….God is maintaining the creation in its existence; He is concurring with every act of movement…. The whole earth is full of his glory." M. C. D'Arcy 'The Idea of God' (20th century),

19 "It is for this we are created: that we may give a new and individual expression of the absolute in our own peculiar character….Ever the mystery is revealed in each new birth; so must it be to eternity. The Eternal-Absolute is ever creating new forms of expressing Itself." Isaac T. Hecker, 19th century

20 "Natural law is a certain quality planted in humanity by nature, which leads them to do what is good." Rufinus, 'Summa Decretorum' (12th century)

21 "Humility, obedience, simplicity – these are the virtues on which the divine friendship, as well as human friendships, alone can thrive." R. H. Benson, 'Christ in the Church' (20th century)

22 "The life of virtue [is] a climb from the many to the One." St. Thomas Aquinas, 'Summa Theologica' 1-2, 71, 1 (13th century)

23 "Every little spark of beauty's burning is but a fragment of the central fire." Sister M. Angelita, 'Lesser Fires' (20th century)

24 "Man is an epitome of the world; he is a little world in himself, in which all that is to be found in the great world of the universe is to be found." St. Francis deSales, 'Spiritual Conferences' (17th century)

25 "Man was by God constituted free, master of his own will and power; indicating the presence of God's image and likeness in him by nothing so well as by this constitution of his nature." Tertullian, 'Tertullian Against Marcion' (3rd century)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite