Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "The One existed before this tangible view of things came into finite being." The Child Within Us Lives!, A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics (William Samuel)

2 "An Orphic teaching runs, 'One is the Self Begotten, and all things were derived from this same one.' The Egyptians called God 'Ua Neter', the One God." C. R. F. Seymour, contemporary esotericist Angels and Mortals, Their Co-Creative Power (Maria Parisen, compiler)

3 "Brahman is one and is everything, above everything, outside everything, beyond everything and yet in everything….Brahman is the real self of all beings." The Unity of Reality (Michael vonBruck)

4 "That everything proceeds from the One is a fundamental tenet of alchemy." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

5 "Just as the self of the human being is the centerpoint of the plurality of manifestations of his life of soul, so is the ONE God, transcending the self, the centerpoint of the world." Covenant of the Heart, Meditations of a Christian Hermeticist on the Mysteries of Tradition (Valentin Tomberg)

6 "Mind is, by its very nature, a singulare tantum. I should say: the overall number of minds is just one." Erwin Schroedinger (1887-1961), 'The Oneness of Mind' Quantum Questions, Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists (Ken Wilber, editor)

7 "Being is by its nature a dynamic tendency toward the Absolute…..all creation begins and ends with, goes forth and returns to, the supreme One." The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View (Richard Tarnas)

8 "Isaac Newton's profound theological occupation was with the One, with Divine Unity as revealed in nature." The Dictionary of Alchemy (Diana Fernando)

9 "All men of wisdom have one religion; they all have one caste; they all behold the face of the One!" Dadu, 16th century Indian saint-poet One River, Many Wells: Wisdom Springing from World Faiths (Matthew Fox)

10 "Oneness is not just on the high or inner levels where God is but is right here and now." The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation (The Findhorn Community)

11 "One spirit works not only through the moving of the whole universe, but also through the flying of a mosquito, or the waving of a fan." The Manifold and The One (Agnes Arber)

12 "The multiple rises, attracted and incorporated by the 'Already One.'" Building the Earth (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

13 "Everything is to be experienced as an epiphany of the One Holy Power." The Flight of the Wild Gander (Joseph Campbell)

14 "Every creature reacts to and acts upon its environment, for all is one." The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation (The Findhorn Community)

15 "The Creative Force within us is one single force." The Finding of the Third Eye (Vera Stanley Alder)

16 "The object of the mystic's contemplation is always some aspect of the Infinite Life: of God, the one Reality." Mysticism (Evelyn Underhill)

17 "It's all the same and single thing. One ocean, one dream, 'in which all things flow and touch each other. A disturbance in one place is felt at the other end of the world,' wrote Dostoyevski." A Book of Angels (Sophy Burnham)

18 "The greater our awareness, the more our perception of multiplicity dissolves." God Is A Verb, Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism (Rabbi David A. Cooper)

19 “St. Augustine says: ‘God is a most simple being, and yet He works in a most manifold way, being all things in each single thing, and one in all of them together.” Blesed John Tauler (1300-1361), Dominican scholar The Soul Afire, Revelations of the Mystics (H. A. Reinhold, editor)

20 "The sacred truth is that All Is One….It carries the message that we are connected to all of life and that every choice we make and every belief we hold exerts influence upon the whole of life." Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing (Caroline Myss)

21 "Ten thousand 'consciousnesses' are at play at the same time; nevertheless, there is only one Consciousness." Nature Word (R. A. Schwaller deLubicz)

22 "There's only oneness." Karunamayi, Hindu spiritual mother Spiritual Genius, The Mastery of Life's Meaning (Winifred Gallagher)

23 "The First Principle, being One, is transcendent over measure or number….The Supreme Principle must be essentially unitary, and simple, while essences [derived therefrom] form a multitude." Plotinus, Ennead V The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation (W. Y. Evans-Wentz, compiler and editor)

24 "We are all one! That's what your breath is telling you." Psychedelic Experience, A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead (Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner, Richard Alpert)

25 "A New Spirituality is emerging upon the earth, and the idea of Oneness is at its core." What God Wants (Neale Donald Walsch)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite