Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Collected Works
Carl Jung

1 "Certainly the difficulties and adversities of the struggle for existence may oppress us, yet even the worst conditions need not hinder love; on the contrary, they often spur us on to greater efforts."

2 "However infinitely varied individual consciousness may be, the basic substrate of the unconscious psyche remains uniform." 'Constitution and Heredity in Psychology'

3 “For the alchemists the world was an image and symbol of God.”

4 "Circular is the matrix of the perfect form."

5 "In Hermetic philosophy the arcane substance has a 'thousand names', but essentially it consists of the One and Only (i.e., God)."

6 "Nothing is achieved by merely negative criticism. It is justified only to the degree that it is creative."

7 “There is in fact one substance in which everything is contained.” ‘VIII Exercitatio in Turbam’

8 "Christ is the still living myth of our culture. He is our culture hero who embodies the myth of the divine Primordial Man. He is in us and we in him." 'Aion'

9 "The unity of the soul rests empirically on the basic psychic structure common to all souls, which, though not visible and tangible like the anatomical structure, is just as evident as it."

10 "The accentuation of the centre is a fundamental idea in alchemy. According to Michael Maier, the centre contains the 'indivisible point', which is simple, indestructible, and eternal."

11 "You see them there side by side, in the same town, in the same street, in the same temple, within the same square mile: the most highly cultivated mind and the primitive. In the mental make-up of the most spiritual you discern the traits of the living primitive, and in the melancholy eyes of the illiterate villager you divine an unconscious knowledge of mysterious truths."

12 "The wholeness of the personality…includes the collective unconscious, which as experience seems to show is everywhere identical."

13 “It is a great mystery, one unique mother of all mortal things, and they have all originated in her.” Paracelsus

14 "Archetypes, that is, universal and inherited patterns, taken together, constitute the structure of the unconscious….archetypes are the forms or river-beds along which the current of psychic life has always flowed."

15 "Self-realization or – what comes to the same thing – the urge to individuation gathers together what is scattered and multifarious, and exalts it to the original form of the One."

16 "It is dawning on us that humanity is ONE, with ONE psyche."

17 "Since knowledge of the world dwells in his own bosom, the adept should draw such knowledge out of his knowledge of himself, for the self he must seek to know is a part of that nature which was bodied forth by God's original oneness with the world."

18 "Wherever conscious life becomes one-sided or adopts a false attitude, these [archetypal] images instinctively rise to the surface in dreams and in the visions of artists and seers to restore the psychic balance, whether of the individual or of the epoch."

19 "Every advance, every conceptual achievement of mankind, has been connected with an advance in self-awareness." 'General Aspects of Dream Psychology'

20 “There are fiery sparks of the World-Soul, that is of the light of nature, dispersed or scattered at God’s command in and through the fabric of the great world into all fruits of the elements everywhere.” Khunrath (1560-1605)

21 "Every advance, every conceptual achievement of mankind, has been connected with an advance in self-awareness."

22 "Beneficent forces ever and anon have enabled humanity to find a refuge from every peril and to outlive the longest night."

23 "Had there not been an affinity - magnet! - between the figure of the Redeemer and certain contents of the unconscious, the human mind would never have been able to perceive the light shining in Christ and seize upon it so passionately." 'Aion'

24 "Behind the opposites and in the opposites is true reality, which sees and comprehends the whole."

25 "One of the toughest roots of all evil is unconsciousness, and I could wish that the saying of Jesus, 'Man, if thou knowest what thou doest, thou art blessed, but if thou knowest not, thou art accursed, and a transgressor of the law,' were still in the gospels….It might well be the motto for a new morality."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite