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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Soul Centered Astrology, A Key to Your Expanding Self
Alan Oken
Theosophical interpretation of Astrology

1 "The Soul of Humanity is the synthesis of all individual human Souls."

2 "All the problems of the individual and of humanity have to do with a block in (and most important, may be resolved by) the flow of love/consciousness."

3 "Divinity and the Spiritual Presence are always available to us."

4 "The universe and our total beings interpenetrate." Dane Rudhyar, 'The Sun Is Also a Star'

5 "The evolution of human consciousness can never cease….The crises of reorientation in our approach to our own indwelling Divinity (and the accompanying victories and joys) continue into greater and greater unity of purpose and awareness for each of us. Human destiny is infinite."

6 "All of Life comes from the One Life. There is thus an essential affinity between all forms of that Life."

7 "People are discovering their essential unity at an ever-increasing rate and are helping one another to utilize their respective differences for the sake of the whole."

8 "This focus of synthesis and unity, this resolution of dualities into greater, more inclusively loving wholes, is fundamental to the New Age."

9 "I recognize and affirm that I am a center of pure self-consciousness. I am a center of will, capable of observing, directing, and using all my psychological processes." Roberto Assagioli, 'The Act of Will'

10 "As the number of Self-realized men and women of goodwill increase, humanity as a whole will progress to its natural state of abundance on all levels."

11 "The need to establish Right Human Relations is paramount."

12 "There is a way to resolve the current crises and tensions our polarized nations and their conflicting political systems are experiencing. It is known by various names: the Path of Synthesis, the Third Way, the Way of the Disciple, or simply, the Way of the Soul."

13 "The Law of Right Human Relations and the Law of Group Endeavor are of the utmost importance. This is a time in which cooperation, companionship along the Way, and love between the sexes, races, nations, and all other groups of individuals will reveal itself as containing the highest living ideals of a spiritual life in the material world."

14 "Contemplate within yourself the implications of Goodwill as they are carried out by a conscious Humanity. Make a plan as to how you may demonstrate Goodwill in your own way in the world."

15 "The Earth is our planetary home and our global village. An entire generation of men and women of goodwill made sure that through their political, artistic, and spiritual activities, the idea of the One Humanity was clearly sounding during this period of the late 1960's and early 1970's. One of the greatest contributions that the generation of the 'flower children' made was to bring to the forefront of human affairs this sense of a world community. The 'We are all One' frame of reference…has indeed synthesized its way into the collective human orientation."

16 "The more we realize ourselves as Souls, the more we come to identify the Spiritual Will which is our essential being."

17 "Love gives one the objective of coordinating one's active intelligence so that it produces cohesive acts of goodwill and furthers right human relations."

18 "The grace of this knowing [of ourselves] is that in the process, each of us comes to identify ourselves as Divinity in manifestation. We learn through the frequently painful processes of transformation and reorientation, as well as through our many births and rebirths, that the quality of our consciousness is Love Itself."

19 "Divinity is always whole, even though It may manifest Itself through Its infinity of parts. Even in parts, It is whole, and It is whole beyond Its parts. Divinity is immanently Whole and transcendentally Whole."

20 "Humanity's destiny is to fulfill the function of the World Savior. Think about the implications of that! Humanity must save itself! Humanity must save itself, must choose to manifest its own wholeness, its groupness, before it can save the world." Frances Adams Moore, 'Group Life – a New Age Reality'

21 "It is important to foster a distinct awareness of our universal brother- and sisterhood."

22 "The eventuation of a strong, unified, creative humanity requires that each one do his or her individual part in the One Work of human evolution."

23 "The smallest cell does not pulsate, nor the largest sun emanate, without their vibrations and energies being felt throughout the Cosmos."

24 "The essential quality of Love is at the root of all manifestation."

25 "The relationship between the One and the many, the macrocosm and the microcosm, becomes increasingly self-evident – another gift from the cosmos!"

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite