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Living Wholeness
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1 "I am a part of all that I have met." Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892), English poet The Lion Christian Quotation Collection (Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild, compilers)

2 "The whole reflects into every part." The Glorious Presence (Ernest E. Wood)

3 "I believe we are all part of a universal soul. At some level, we are all the same. We are all connected. Everyone in our drama is a facet of ourselves, and we are a facet of them. We are all facets of the same energy – an energy possessing incredible wisdom and love." Brian Weiss, M.D. Handbook for the Soul (Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield)

4 "In that fullness of unity the whole is fully present in the part." The Glorious Presence (Ernest E. Wood)

5 "Every gesture embodies the whole self, including the history of that self." Elizabeth Swados, musician, writer Genesis: A Living Conversation (Bill Moyers)

6 "In actual fact, the justice of God is the truth of God at work. It is the divine Architect's measuring mind tracing in creative lines the pattern of all that is….This divine mortising of the universe into a whole with order is the creative justice of God." My Way of Life, The Summa Simplified for Everyone (Walter Farrell and Martin J. Healy)

7 "Man is said by the philosophers to be a little world, containing in himself all those elements of which the universe is made up." Gregory of Nyssa Cyril of Jerusalem and Nemesius of Emesa (William Telfer, Editor)

8 "Everything in the universe, from fox terriers to tree bark to somebody's red hat to the mind of God is related to everything else." A Mythic Life, Learning to Live our Greater Story (Jean Houston)

9 "In physics, in biology, in aesthetics, this same Unitary Principle obtains; it is as though the tensions and pressures of conflicting forms in unstable irresolution ultimately find, by their own inner urgencies, and nature's purposive design, a mergent stability, a higher function in the mounting architecture….there seems to be a goal that is as inherently magnetic to all protoplasm and organism as to man himself." Creative Vision for Art and for Life (Richard Guggenheimer)

10 "Everyone you meet is your mirror." Handbook to Higher Consciousness (Ken Keyes, Jr.)

11 "One of the great Alchemical axioms is, 'Within everything is the seed of everything.'" The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Manly P. Hall)

12 "Because everything is made of everything else, nothing can be by itself alone." Living Buddha, Living Christ (Thich Nhat Hanh)

13 "This deep connection between the individual human organism and the cosmos suggested by various esoteric traditions has been expressed in the famous statements 'As above, so below' or 'As without, so within'. The observations from modern consciousness research have shed new light on this ancient mystical concept….Transpersonal psychology has discovered that in holotropic ['tending toward wholeness'] states it is possible to identify experientially with just about any aspect of physical reality, past and present, as well as various aspects of other dimensions of existence. It has confirmed that the entire cosmos is in a mysterious way encoded in the psyche of each of us and becomes accessible in deep systematic self-exploration." The Cosmic Game, Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness (Stanislav Grof)

14 "See yourselves fitting into your rightful place, giving what you have to give to the whole, and so feel part and parcel of that wonderful wholeness, no longer separate or divided, One in thought, word, and deed." The Spirit of Findhorn (Eileen Caddy)

15 "I feel that the Shylocks, the Judases, and even the Devil, are broken spokes in the great wheel of good which shall in due time be made whole." The Story of My Life (Helen Keller)

16 "Important to the theologies of many of the religions of the world is the relationship of each individual to other individuals, or the idea of community." Jane I. Smith, 'The Afterlife' Death, Afterlife, and the Soul (Mircea Eliade, editor-in-chief)

17 "The planet is composed of literally infinite hordes of consciousnesses – each experiencing its own reality while adding to the overall cooperative venture." The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (Jane Roberts)

18 "The most intelligible view of the cosmos is that of a living Whole." The Cosmic Womb, An Interpretation of Man's Relationship to the Infinite (Arthur W. Osborn)

19 "Works like the Zohar, the 'bible' of Kabbalistic lore, stress over and over that all the various dimensions of existence are intimately interwoven." Edward Hoffman As Above, So Below: Paths to Spiritual Renewal in Daily Life (Ronald S. Miller and the editors of New Age Journal)

20 "Every being…has its own particular essence crowned by a certain quality, a certain form (common to all) which makes it an integral, rightly adapted, part of the single Whole with which it shares a natural harmony." Writings in Time of War (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

21 "Human and Cosmos are not only reciprocally related but, even though the apparent forms differ, [are] mirror images of each other." The Imagination of Pentecost: Rudolf Steiner & Contemporary Spirituality (Richard Leviton)

22 "All That Is is alive within the least of Itself….It endows all of Its creations with Its own abilities that then act as inspiration, impetus, guiding lines and principles, by which these parts then seek to further create themselves." Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (Jane Roberts)

23 "The current ecology movement is attempting to restore balance by pointing out the interrelatedness of life upon the Earth, insisting upon a holistic vision for survival." The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation (The Findhorn Community)

24 "Out of all things there comes a unity, and out of a unity all things." Heraclitus Breaking the Mind Barrier (Todd Siler)

25 "On the grounds of a basic unity or karmic connectedness of all things, nothing can be lost, nothing can be outside." The Unity of Reality (Michael vonBruck)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite