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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Imagination of Pentecost: Rudolf Steiner & Contemporary Spirituality
Richard Leviton
"Richard Leviton draws together in a comprehensive and insightful manner the diverse threads of the New Age movement and the teachings of Steiner....this book is a feast for the spiritual imagination." David Spangler, author of 'Emergence: The Rebirth of the Sacred'

1 "The existence of the planet Earth is far from a random accident in an indifferent cosmos."

2 "Wisdom must become our ideal because everything we do, our thoughts, even our moods, influences the cosmos."

3 "The human is a living miniaturization of the cosmos."

4 "Christ Jesus is the representative, the embodiment of the power which imparts to mankind the full consciousness of the 'I am'." Rudolf Steiner, 'The Gospel of Matthew'

5 "An imagination is the thought-matrix, the living picture from which physical reality manifests."

6 "Divine Wisdom lies at the foundation of everything."

7 "The natural world is permeated with creative Spirit expressing itself as ideas."

8 "The Christ is forevermore united with Earth and human evolution."

9 "We will wake ourselves up inwardly through our own willed activity, and through this life redeem thinking."

10 "Our real identity and cognitive range includes the entire cosmos and all its beings, and we must strive to be a fully conscious, independent investigator, co-creator, and cosmic colleague."

11 "Self-knowledge is knowledge of the world and world knowledge is knowledge of the self."

12 "The human being is the Logos made flesh, the Word incarnate. A revelation looms implicit in this syllogism."

13 "There are hidden powers in man, which are capable of making a God of him on Earth." H. P. Blavatsky, 'Collected Works'

14 "Self-knowledge opens one up to the essential being of the world."

15 "'And the Tree of Life shall blossom with a fruit never before known in the creation, and that fruit shall be the New Spirit of Man,' runs the Zapotec prophecy."

16 "The cosmos becomes aware of itself through an awakening humanity, recognizing its spiritual elements…Our cognition of the cosmic constituency of the human being is itself an act of cosmic self-awareness, in which the inherent self-reflexivity of the Logos becomes activated."

17 "The world, the universe, is the spoken Word of the Logos."

18 "The Christ is the historical 'living force', always present, who exemplifies freedom of the heart and freely willed fraternity."

19 "At the moment in which man realizes that he is embedded within the total organism of the earth…at that moment there exists an objective basis for morality." Rudolf Steiner

20 "The Creator…in pointing with the word, he shows himself, and is revealed. This is the primal revelation, creation itself." Georg Kuhlewind, 'Becoming Aware of the Logos'

21 "A great deal lies waiting in the womb of our spiritual evolution, but it can come to birth only through our willing, conscious cooperation."

22 "We must willingly cooperate with the intentions of evolution and spiritual destiny. Our moral failure to develop spiritual cognition would render this future barren."

23 "By no other way than through cognitive free will could humans come to inner freedom and true individuality."

24 "The unfoldment of the human and the cosmos are reciprocally interdependent and simultaneous events."

25 "Humanity is ripening towards a time of unilateral cooperation."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite