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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
Jane Roberts

1 "You have an inner system of communication in which the cells of all living things are connected….there is a continuum of consciousness."

2 "Death is not an end, but a transformation of consciousness. Nature, with its changing seasons, constantly brings you that message. In that light, and with that understanding, nature's disasters do not claim victims: Nature and man together act out their necessary parts in the larger framework of reality."

3 "Each individual is innately aware that help is available in every situation, and that information does not need to come through the physical senses alone."

4 "The world is the result of a multidimensional creative venture, a work of art in which each person and creature, and each particle, plays a living part."

5 "Each person contains an element of greatness, and more, a desire to fulfill those inner abilities."

6 "What difference can it make to the world if you are a better salesperson, or plumber, or office worker, or car salesman? What can one person do? That is precisely where first of all you must begin to exert yourselves. There, on your jobs and in your associations, are the places where you intersect with the world. Your impulses directly affect the world in those relationships."

7 "The planet is composed of literally infinite hordes of consciousnesses – each experiencing its own reality while adding to the overall cooperative venture."

8 "Behind all lies a biological and psychic cooperative venture."

9 "When you fulfill your own abilities, when you express your personal idealism through acting it out to the best of your ability in your daily life, then you ARE changing the world for the better."

10 "There is an inner environment that connects all consciousnesses that dwell upon the planet, in whatever form."

11 "Christ's message was that each man is good inherently, and is an individualized portion of the divine."

12 "Information concerning the entire universe is always latent within each and any part of it."

13 "On any given day, the events of our private lives fit within the larger pattern of world events, in which they have their context. On any given night the intimate events of our dream lives also exist in the greater context of the world's dreams, in which they have their reality."

14 "Myths are natural phenomena, rising from the psyche as surely as giant mountain ranges emerge from the physical planet. Their deeper reality exists as source material for the world that we know."

15 "All That Is is within you, God is within creation, within physical matter."

16 "Each person forms his or her own reality, and yet that personal reality must also be shared with others, and must be affected by the reality of others."

17 "Myth is not a distortion of fact, but the womb through which fact must come. Myth involves an intrinsic understanding of the nature of reality, couched in imaginative terms, carrying a power as strong as nature itself. Myth-making is a natural psychic characteristic."

18 "You instantly color physical experience and nature itself with the tints of your unique imaginative processes."

19 "Each person is fired by the desire to act, and to act beneficially, altruistically, to practically put his stamp, or her stamp, upon the world."

20 "In a way, the world is like a multidimensional, exotic plant growing in space and time, each thought, dream, imaginative encounter, hope or fear, growing naturally into its own bloom – a plant of incredible variety, never for a moment the same, in which each smallest root, leaf, stem or flower has a part to play and is connected with the whole."

21 "The natural contours of your psyche are quite aware of the inner sweep and flow of your life, and its relationship with every other creature alive. Intuitively, each person is born with the knowledge that he or she is not only worthwhile, but fits into the context of the universe in the most precise and beautiful of fashions."

22 "In each person the imaginative world, its force and power, merges into historical reality. In each person, the ultimate and unassailable and unquenchable power of All That Is is individualized and dwells in time."

23 "You were born with an in-built recognition of your own goodness. You were born with an inner recognition of your rightness in the universe…You are born loving. You are born compassionate….You are born seeking to add value to the quality of life, to add characteristics, energies, abilities to life that only you can individually contribute to the world, and to attain a state of being that is uniquely yours, while adding to the value fulfillment of the world."

24 "Christ saw that in each person divinity and humanity met – and that man survived death by virtue of his existence within the divine."

25 "Your thoughts, feelings and expectations are like the living brush strokes with which you paint life's landscape. If you do your best in your own life, then you are indeed helping improve the quality of all life. Your thoughts are as real as snowflakes or raindrops or clouds. They mix and merge with the thoughts of others, to form man's livingscape, providing the vast mental elements from which physical events will be formed."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite