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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Unity of Reality
Michael vonBruck
God, God-Experience, and meditation in the Hindu-Christian dialogue

1 "Science recognizes today the interrelationality of the universe. Relativity theory, quantum physics, post-Darwinian models of evolution, psychosomatic medicine, parapsychological research, biofeedback and, most of all, experience with Yoga and meditation support this basic vision."

2 "The divinity is One reality which, because of our manner of seeing it, appears in different hypostases which are perfect in themselves."

3 "The eternal is IN the temporal and the temporal IN the eternal."

4 "God is the human person's true being."

5 "Each person's destiny is truly integrated into a final beyond-individual and transpersonal connectedness of the one reality."

6 "Our lives reflect divine creativity. Through our relationship to all other forms or manifestations of divine life we are continually expanding, concretizing, and realizing God's creativity."

7 "In an image from the German mystics, human life is like a flower, which willingly unfolds in order to receive the rays of the sun."

8 "The personal center of the individual is essentially the Self (atman), which is beyond the particularities of physical-psychic-mental life or of any changeable things or of change as such."

9 "The Absolute is in all experiences for there is nothing which is not an explication or manifestation of what we call the Absolute….the Absolute is not the sum of all the parts, but the unity of part and whole."

10 "Intuitive knowledge of the One is the pinnacle of spiritual fulfillment."

11 "Brahman is one and is everything, above everything, outside everything, beyond everything and yet in everything….Brahman is the real self of all beings."

12 "Human freedom consists in knowing the unity of atman (the Self) and the cosmic order."

13 "God is relationship within the moments of one movement which constitutes his being."

14 "Since eschatological fulfillment refers to the true nature of creation and the divine will which is expressed in it, the significance of the 'communio sanctorum' [sacred community] is universal. It is realized by the power of the Spirit, who cannot be contained by human ideas and institutional borders. It is a communion of 'men and women of good will' (Luke 2:14). And this is manifested in various religions as well as in secular societies, and to an extent in every human heart."

15 "The Son is being, realized. Through him everything exists (Romans 11:36; 1 Cor. 8:6; Col. 1:16). This statement implies a temporal eternity or eternal temporality, i.e., tempiternity, in the Son. He is the realization of the Father and therefore the visibility (John 14:9) or the being of the Father. He manifests God's perfect transcendence as immanent and through his being points to transcendence. As immanent transcendence he is being's eternal transcending being in the trinitarian self-realization of God."

16 "The love of God is the unity of reality….God is love, and therefore the one who dwells in love knows that God is in him and he in God (1 John 4:9ff.)."

17 "Ethics has its basis not in a forever grounded ought, but in a real transformation, which includes being aware of the interdependence of all being."

18 "There is no chaos, forsaken by God, but only the one reality as an ordered whole, filled with divine power."

19 "Each partner is a light for the other and enables him/her to see better the depths of his/her own tradition. The religion of the partner is like a sounding board in which one's own terms and symbols acquire new over- or undertones."

20 "God is at one and the same time and in the same circumstances the ground and the goal of reality. This can be illustrated in the following way: we frequently imagine reality as a ladder of cosmic evolution. God is not only the highest rung of the ladder, but also the material out of which it is constructed as well as its structure and its transendent ground that makes everything possible."

21 "God as creator cannot be experienced in any other way than as an ever present milieu."

22 "Everything that exists, exists in God whose life it shares."

23 "Ethics is rooted in the dynamism of love."

24 "Through the unifying power of love of the Spirit, creation reaches completion; i.e., it attains its essence."

25 "It could be said that Jesus' experience both contains advaitic [non-dualistic] experience and proceeds towards a goal. It reaches its climax in the union of a personal encounter: i.e., it is in a perpetual dynamic of becoming one."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite