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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "Trust in God's embrace." A Tree Full of Angels (Macrina Wiederkehr)

2 "He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery." Anne Frank (1929-1945), 'The Diary of a Young Girl', March 7, 1944 Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 16th edition (John Bartlett)

3 "Faith is the soul's witness to something not yet manifested, achieved or realised, but which yet the Knower within us, even in the absence of all indications, feels to be true or supremely worth following or achieving." A Greater Psychology, An Introduction to Sri Aurobindo's Psychological Thought (Sri Aurobindo, edited by A. S. Dalal)

4 "Faith is an affirmative stance toward life." The Way Things Are (Huston Smith, edited by Phil Cousineau)

5 "Faith is believing that the universe is on our side, and that the universe knows what it's doing. Faith is a psychological awareness of an unfolding force for good, constantly at work in all dimensions." A Return to Love, Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles (Marianne Williamson)

6 "We have to have faith in our own abilities to take us to a place of safety for humanity and other sentient beings." The Mystic Hours, A Daybook of Interspiritual Wisdom & Devotion (Wayne Teasdale)

7 "Faith is the beginning and the end is love, and God is the two of them brought into unity." St. Ignatius of Antioch, 'Letter to the Ephesians', (2nd century) The Book of Catholic Quotations (John Chapin, Editor)

8 "What we do is a better indication of what we believe than what we think we think." Companions on the Inner Way (Morton T. Kelsey)

9 "The power of faith is…always recognized if it is placed in love." A Course in Miracles (Helen Schucman and William Thetford)

10 "Trusting in the unseen, ineffable spiritual purpose behind our soul's journey generates a grace that illuminates the world." Invisible Acts of Power: Personal Choices That Create Miracles (Caroline Myss)

11 "The faith-state is a natural psychic complex, and carries charity with it by organic consequence." Varieties of Religious Experience, The (William James)

12 "Faith is a permanent and vital endowment of the human mind." Eden Philipotts, 'A Shadow Passes' Macmillan Dictionary of Religious Quotations (Margaret Pepper, editor)

13 "A man consists of the faith that is in him. Whatever he is, his faith is." Bhagavad Gita Macmillan Dictionary of Religious Quotations (Margaret Pepper, editor)

14 "Absence of doubt is trusting in the heart, trusting yourself. Being without doubt means that you have connected with yourself." Shambhala (Chogyam Trungpa)

15 "This indeed is faith – not a vague sentiment of the soul adhering to a doctrine without rational motivation, nor a mysticism without sure proofs, nor yet an intellectualist certainty imposed necessarily by the evidence of irresistible proofs – but an intellectual adherence to truths which are guaranteed in testimony worthy of credence and illustrated, once believed, in all the facts of the universe." Richard McKeon, introduction to St. Augustine Selections From Medieval Philosophers (Richard McKeon, editor and translator)

16 "Faith is the subtle chain that binds us to the infinite." O. E. Smith Living Quotations for Christians (Sherwood Eliot Wirt and Kersten Beckstrom, editors)

17 "Faith in the future is not dead in our hearts….it is hope, deepened and purified, which seems bound to save us." Building the Earth (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

18 "The will of God is manifest in each moment, an immense ocean which the heart only fathoms in so far as it overflows with faith, trust and love." Jean Pierre deCaussade The Mystic Hours, A Daybook of Interspiritual Wisdom & Devotion (Wayne Teasdale)

19 "Trusting yourself and your own process means believing that your task is to be fully yourself and that if you are, you will have everything you genuinely need for your soul's growth….Recognize that what you want and what you need often are not the same and that it is quite rational to trust the universe, God, or your higher self and let go." The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By (Carol Pearson, Ph.D.)

20 "Let us each examine our faith. If it is rooted in love, mercy, kindness, and compassion, we are on the right track." The Mystic Hours, A Daybook of Interspiritual Wisdom & Devotion (Wayne Teasdale)

21 "We honor the mystery with trust in the process." Turning Toward the Mystery: A Seeker's Journey (Stephen Levine)

22 "Only a long and patient struggle can teach us the operative power of faith and show us what it can achieve." Writings in Time of War (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

23 “Even a weak or half-hearted faith is enough of an opening for God’s grace to work effectively in our lives.” Bernard of Clairvaux, Essential Writings (Dennis E. Tamburello, O.F.M.)

24 "God is our true nature….That is why if you know how to trust God, to trust your true nature, you will lose your fear and sorrow." No Death, No Fear: Comforting Wisdom for Life (Thich Nhat Hanh)

25 "If you believe that the way Life is showing itself to you now is God, you will see it as God. If you do not believe that the way Life is showing itself to you now is God, you will not see it as God. Some say that seeing is believing, but I tell you that believing is seeing." Tomorrow's God, Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge (Neale Donald Walsch)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite