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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Mystic Hours, A Daybook of Interspiritual Wisdom & Devotion
Wayne Teasdale
In this book, Teasdale provides a powerful look at spiritual wisdom, filled with quotations from all the great mystics and spiritual traditions.

1 "Fear is the mind-killer. I will not give in to it." Frank Herbert, 'Dune'

2 "If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration, but timelessnes, eternal life is theirs who live in the present." Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher

3 "The apprehension of the intrinsic interconnectedness of all leads organically to a compassion for all, especially in the concrete existential situations of life as we meet others each day. Simply put, when we realize we are all in this together, our kindness and understanding grows. We are all related; we are all responsible for one another."

4 "If we are to realize our potential, we must recognize our nature as sharers in God's being, participants in the infinite love that God is."

5 "Fear is the easiest thing in the world: it's cheap and widespread. Tyrants and oppressors count on fear's contagion to dominate others. But if one person steps forward and summons courage, his or her courage becomes equally contagious, spreading to others and becoming a movement."

6 "No matter where you are, remember that forgiveness offers you peace of mind and everything else you could possibly ever want or hope for. It is an elixir, giving you your wholeness and leading you into the heart of God." Gerald Jampolsky, psychiatrist, founder of the Center for Attitudinal Healing

7 "Only connect. Wherever you are, right now, pay attention. Forever." Sylvia Boorstein, Buddhist teacher

8 "The spiritual journey is not to a place, but to the ultimate reality of Divine Consciousness. There is thus no distance involved in the inner sojourn. The spiritual journey is a process that reveals the end, the destination, the goal that is essentially changeless: union with God. And each one of us is a member of the Divine Family."

9 "Our souls are interconnected with every other soul in the divine reality."

10 "The very fact that you desire to be enlightened will give you the power to be enlightened. That is the fuel. Flame it. Fuel it." Marsha Sinetar, author

11 "The Divine surrounds us on all sides and within the depths of the mind, even in the unconscious and on the frontiers of imagination."

12 "The soul that walks in love neither rests nor grows tired." St. John of the Cross

13 "Now we are moving back toward community – because we need it to happen." Gay Luce

14 "That we may outgrow our need for dualism and conflict – that is my prayer."

15 "Paradoxically, it's most often our smallest, most anonymously done good works that have the greatest spiritual impact in and on this world." Thom Hartmann, author and radio talk show host

16 "Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things." Thomas Merton

17 "Everything happens within the Divine Consciousness."

18 "The Divine Reality is doing, or being, each one of us. We are expressions of God's endless creativity. The Divine is happening all the time, and in all corners of reality."

19 "Chaos is infinitely complex order." David Bohm, physicist

20 "The human body is His sitar. He draws the strings, and out of it comes the music of the inner universe." Kabir

21 "Our journey to God is actually a journey of self-discovery in the Divine."

22 "Small good works have results we do not foresee; their spiritual effects in the world are often unknown to us, but they are real."

23 "The Divine Presence is everywhere; it only requires us to experience it."

24 "Are you in touch with your heart's vast nature? If not, find the way there. You are not far from yourself."

25 "In each moment the will of God is present, if we can only allow ourselves to discern it."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite