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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight
Shirley Nicholson

1 "There is a harmonious structure in the universe itself, as displayed by its parts, a wholeness revealed in relationships. Interactions, interdependence, coherence characterize the world of nature, in which separate beings and parts mesh together into meaningful patterns and wholes, as in the functions of the organs of the body."

2 "Living things show a fluid architecture in which the functioning of each part exactly fits the needs of the whole. All levels, from atoms to cells to tissues and organs, are interdependent and coordinated, as vital processes working together."

3 "Every atom and particle is imbued with Divine Mind, which energizes it to move to higher levels of organization."

4 "Everything reflects and influences everything else."

5 "Evolution systematically reveals the divine archetypes, the Ideas of Plato. Forms unfold through evolution according to the pattern impressed on them by the archetype that governs their particular structure."

6 "Latent in the depths of our unconscious lies the seed of all future capacities that we and our species will develop."

7 "In spite of the diversity of forms, evolution attests to the oneness of life."

8 "All that exists throughout the cosmos is but the temporary, ephemeral effect of the One Life refracted through the screen of objectivity."

9 "The transcendent Source continually sustains and supports all being, as it holds all parts together in dynamic relationship with the whole."

10 "Support for the concept of interrelatedness is emerging from all sides. This idea, strange and foreign a hundred years ago, is becoming more and more important in modern thought."

11 "We spring from the divine Ground which gives rise to all."

12 "We have to come to a point when we truly feel the oneness, the unity in all the aspects of our lives." Sun Bear (Native American elder), 'The Shaman and The Medicine Wheel'

13 "The One Life permeates, supports, and gives life to everything that arises from it. The One Form of Existence manifests IN matter."

14 "We can try to universalize our attitudes towards others, experience each as an expression of the One Life at a particular level of unfoldment, and begin to actualize universal love and compassion. As we work consciously to develop our mental and spiritual capacities, we move in the direction of the whole cosmic evolutionary process."

15 "We all share the same pool of genes. Each of us has as ancestors Europeans, Africans, Chinese, Arabs, Malays, Latins, Eskimos, and every possible type of human being. Students of genetics are forced to believe in human brotherhood. Each of us is literally kin to humankind; we are all the family of man."

16 "Platonic and Pythagorean theory, which posits a mathematical basis for the physical world, offers clues as to the outworkings of the archetypes and the Divine Mind."

17 "The Divine Mind reveals its own nature in the human abilities to conceptualize, to see relationships and patterns in diversity, to produce pattern and design in art, mathematics, science, and to organize experience into meaningful, interrelated wholes."

18 "All nature is the outcome and the reflection of the One, which is its ground, and lies embedded in that Oneness from which it can never be really separate."

19 "The Ancient Wisdom has always held that each of us, like everything else in nature, is fundamentally one with the All, immersed in that undivided, numinous unity from which all creation springs."

20 "Every capacity and ability destined to evolve in future mankind already lies latent within each of us now. Every potential of the One, of the Divine Mind, is present from the beginning, only awaiting the proper time and setting to emerge into manifestation. We have untold potentialities within."

21 "The great insights that have inspired mathematics, science, and philosophy, as well as the eternal beauty of great art, dramatically reveal the creative potential of the Divine Mind. But so, too, do our more humble everyday uses of mental faculties. We have a powerful inner urge toward order, toward perceiving harmonies and relationships, which we use everyday."

22 "'Tat tvam asi' (Thou art That), which proclaims man's inmost being as one with divine Being…is identical with the Gnostic maxim, 'Thou art I and I am thou.' This insight into man's hidden connection with the Ground of all has appeared in many other philosophies and religions, such as Taoism and Neoplatonism, and is even hinted at in Buddhism."

23 "Life is a cyclic interplay of polar energies….The waning of the energy of one pole…is always associated with the waxing in strength of the other pole." Dane Rudhyar, 'The Pulse of Life'

24 "Consciousness in the guise of the Divine Mind, the subjective side of nature, is the driving force behind evolution.'

25 "All the planes and principles of nature are already implanted in us. All that is needed for the fulfillment of evolution's long-range goals exists within us already, buried at some unconscious level of our being."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite