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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Oneness: Great Principles Shared By All Religions
Jeffrey Moses
Beneath the seeming differences in the world religions lies a pool of universal truth. This book brings together these shared insights and shows how the core teachings of these religions act as a guide to our inner development.

1 "Do not forget that all religions – which convey mankind's highest thoughts and aspirations – view all the people in the world as one great family."

2 "Throughout the ages, the scriptures of all religions have proclaimed that humanity is one great family. This is a simple truth, and it is simply and directly stated in every religion."

3 "Human beings all are as head, arms, trunk, and legs unto one another." Hindu teaching

4 "These great principles [of the religions] are…guidelines that enable men and women to evolve to the highest point of human consciousness, wherein oneness is achieved with all the laws of nature."

5 "On God's own nature has been molded man's." Islamic teaching

6 "Remember even when alone that the Divine is everywhere." Confucian teaching

7 "Every human being is born with an innate love for others."

8 "The innermost nature of our Being remains steadfast through all passing joys and pains. It is at the core of our Being that our lives touch the Eternal, and it is from here that we derive our true strength."

9 "Every aspect of life swirls with rhythms of the Divine. All activities, all successes, all well-being and happiness, have their basis in an unfathomable Spirit which sustains us even when we are not aware of it."

10 "An ultimate existence pervades all the boundaries of the universe, and all people and all things are of one essence."

11 "The fundamental principles at the heart of all religions (like those at the core of all cultures and nations) are universal."

12 "The principles of inner development are basically no different now than they were in the days of Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Shankara, or Confucious. These great masters offer similar messages that have not become less essential for people in the modern world. These principles stretch beyond time and change."

13 "Deep within each person is an individual consciousness that touches and is a part of the Universal Consciousness."

14 "Through the ages, saints and sages of all religions have proclaimed that the human soul is unbounded and eternal. However different in outer expression, all religions have their source in this fundamental belief."

15 "Almost all the principles that are associated with religious thought are shared by every religion. The Golden Rule, Love Thy Neighbor, Honor Thy Father and Mother, Speak Truth, It Is More Blessed to Give Than to Receive – these principles and others are common to all religions and are very similarly expressed in each."

16 "Do not search in distant skies for God. In man's own heart is He found." Shinto teaching

17 "There is but one God whose name is true. He is the creator, immortal, unborn, self-existent." Sikh teaching

18 "God is concealed in every heart, his light is in every heart." Sikh teaching

19 "God has made of one blood all nations." Christian teaching

20 "God is love, and man is made in God's image….Even in the midst of our busy world there are saints and sages working ceaselessly to infuse these simple truths into our complex lives. These noble souls radiate the divinity that is the inner basis of man's existence."

21 "All creatures are the family of God; and he is the most beloved of God who does most good unto His family." Islamic teaching

22 "Do not forget that the world is one great family." Shinto teaching

23 "Love belongs to the high nobility of Heaven, and is the quiet home where man should dwell." Confucian teaching

24 "The true nature of happiness – the lasting inner oneness with all things."

25 "Regular periods of meditation and prayer will center us in the awareness of the underlying truths, so that we can recognize the divine within ourselves and radiate this understanding to others around us."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite