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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Power of Positive Thinking and The Amazing Results of Positive Thinking
Norman Vincent Peale

1 "This is one of the simplest teachings in religion, namely, that Almighty God will be your companion, will stand by you, help you, and see you through."

2 "Prayer is a sending out of vibrations from one person to another and to God. All of the universe is in vibration….The air is filled with vibrations. The reaction between human beings is also in vibration. When you send out a prayer for another person, you employ the force inherent in a spiritual universe. You transport from yourself to the other person a sense of love, helpfulness, support – a sympathetic, powerful understanding – and in this process you awaken vibrations in the universe through which God brings to pass the good objectives prayed for. Experiment with this principle and you will know its amazing results."

3 "Self-knowledge leads to a cure."

4 "When I gained the unshakable belief that there is no death, that all life is indivisible, that the here and hereafter are one, that time and eternity are inseparable, that this is one unobstructed universe, then I found the most satisfying and convincing philosophy of my entire life."

5 "There is no problem, difficulty, or defeat that you cannot solve or overcome by faith, positive thinking, and prayer to God. The techniques are simple and workable. And God will help you always."

6 "We are in eternity now. We are citizens of eternity."

7 "Love is a tremendous curative force."

8 "One of the basic truths taught by the Bible is that God is with us. In fact, Christianity begins with that concept, for when Jesus Christ was born He was called Immanuel, meaning 'God with us'."

9 "A serious attempt to know any individual will reveal qualities within him that are admirable, even lovable."

10 "God our Creator has laid up within our minds and personalities all the potential powers and ability we need for constructive living."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite