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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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God Is A Verb, Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism
Rabbi David A. Cooper

1 "Our job is not to set up a battleground to eradicate evil, but to search out its spark of holiness. Our task is not to destroy but to build, not to hate but to find a place of yielding, not to polarize but to discover the points of commonality so that we can work together. Learn this lesson, dear friends, it will serve you well."

2 "Whatever happens anywhere in the universe reverberates throughout the totality of creation. Thus our lives are affected by what is happening everywhere; moreover, whatever we do in our lives affects everything in the universe."

3 "One's actions, particularly deeds of lovingkindness, profoundly impact upon the universe. Minor actions can have significant consequences;…everything happening to us is connected with a complex weave of variables. Moreover, angelic forces are associated with our thoughts, words and deeds."

4 "The Holy One is the Soul of souls, the Spirit of spirits." Zohar 1:103b

5 "There is only one reality, and all multiplicity is imaginary. The world seems pluralistic only because our awareness has limitations."

6 "Resurrection is not something for which we must wait. It is always here. Our challenge is to move from ego consciousness to God consciousness."

7 "Eternal life is available to every one of us, here and now."

8 "We are copartners with God-ing in the cosmic process, and each person has the full freedom of choice to change the universe. Nothing we do, say, or think is inconsequential; every action affects not only this reality but also other realities, and all of creation is interconnected."

9 "Every aspect of creation interrelates with every other….every thought, word, or action reverberates throughout the entire creation."

10 "The ultimate truth of the Divine is Oneness."

11 "If we see the ongoing relationship betweem God-ing and creation-ing, we fully connect with the understanding that resurrection is a continuous process, happening right now."

12 "The ancient kabbalistic idea is a holistic, energetic model of the universe. It cuts across layers of reality and includes every possible dimension of creation….According to this Jewish mystical viewpoint, everything and every 'non-thing' that ever was or will be in creation is interconnected."

13 "Human consciousness is informed by a soul force that gives it the capacity to emulate the infinite Bestower."

14 "Acts of lovingkindness, over the long run, will bring a higher level of consciousness to everyone in the world."

15 "Now we are no longer separated from our source, and behold we ARE the source and the source is us. We are so intimately united with It, we cannot by any means be separated from It, for we are It." Abraham Abulafia, 13th century Jewish sage

16 "The greater our awareness, the more our perception of multiplicity dissolves."

17 "We are connected via our souls to the source of creation, and we can transform the flow of creation."

18 "May our lives be filled with the ongoing truth in which we are saturated with love, caring, and kindness. And may we serve the world from the level of awareness."

19 "Free will at its core is…the ability to bestow light."

20 "The world is an integrated whole, not a collection of parts….Individuals and nations are not separate; everyone and everything is interconnected."

21 "The dimension of this moment is supported in its entirety by the nature of the Divine. Thus there is a vital relationship between God and every aspect of creation. Each breath I draw is initiated, sustained, and nourished by the power of creation. Each event is permeated by the magic of the Divine Presence."

22 "Mystics throughout time, in all traditions, have said the same thing: We do not have to search for God, because the presence of the Divine permeates all things. If there is a search at all, it is God searching for Itself, so to speak."

23 "All of creation is interconnected and interdependent. There is no subject or object, for each arises simultaneously with the other and cannot exist on its own."

24 "The linchpin of our relationship with God is founded on the belief that human beings have creative capability to intervene in the 'normal' course of events. One word, one gesture, or even one thought can change the direction of the creative process. This being so, we are led to conclude that human beings play a cocreative role."

25 "In Lurianic Kabbalah, there is only one primordial soul in the world….From this one soul, sparks were disseminated throughout the universe."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite