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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Robert Fludd, Western Esoteric Masters Series
William Huffman, editor
Fludd's voluminous research covers a range of practical, scientific, divinatory, and speculative viewpoints, all of which combine into a unified universe everywhere infused with divine spirit.

1 "Each man's spirit (though included in diverse bodies) is made all one by the immediate, and first emanation or Universal beam of Unity; and Union in Nature can no more be severed or disjoined, than the bright stream which issues from the center of the Sun."

2 "God's incorruptible spirit is in everything."

3 "As God's essence is indivisible, so also nature itself, which is His emanation into the world, is in every respect one single form and indivisible in itself."

4 "God contains everything in itself, extends everywhere with its power, drives everything, and there is nothing outside it."

5 "God the Creator dwells within YOU."

6 "It is only God that operates all and in all."

7 "All good exists as One."

8 "As all numbers are in the One, as all radii of the circle are in the centre, and as the powers of all the members are in the soul, so, it is said, is God in all things and all things in God….God is the centre of any one thing – a centre the periphery of which is nowhere."

9 "In truth all souls have a continuous relation to the ONE world-soul, as has the sunlight to the sun."

10 "Nature, in its capacity of universal soul, contains the formula of the whole and is not even divisible into essential parts, as Plato testifies."

11 "The Will of God and His laws can be discovered in the characters of the great Book of Nature."

12 "The eternal creating and all-enacting Spirit of the Lord is the universal actor which moves all in all."

13 "In each individual the Holy Spirit shines forth for the advantage of all (1 Corinthians 12)."

14 "The human soul is the image of God."

15 "The essence of God fills everything in heaven and in earth."

16 "It would not be possible for perfect order to exist in all the parts of the world unless they were united by one single divine and continuous spirit."

17 "It is apparent that the incorruptible Spirit is in all things."

18 "Each man is your brother, and your brother is part of yourself, and all men are but one and the selfsame thing in specie, which is in effect the very unity and essence of God Himself masked with the material mantle of Nature."

19 "The mind is in no wise divided from the essence of God. Rather it is bound up with Him as is the light with the body of the sun."

20 "The soul, or the human mind,….can as little be separated or divided from God as a sunbeam from the sun."

21 "All things are but one thing."

22 "God is the centre of any one thing – a centre the periphery of which is nowhere."

23 "Return, return unto your self, subject your body to your reasonable soul by diving into your inward treasure, and then prostrate and submit your mental and spiritual part unto your God; for so shall you be made one spirit with him…penetrate quite through yourself, for to climb up unto God is to enter into yourself."

24 "The greater chorus of the philosophers concludes that God contains every name, since all is in him and he himself is in everything, not unlike the manner in which all straight lines drawn from the centre to the circumference are said to be in the centre."

25 "God is the One and Indivisible."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite