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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery
Cranston/Head, editors

1 "For those who have found the still point of eternity, around which all, including themselves – revolves, everything is acceptable as it is; indeed, can even be experienced as glorious and wonderful." Joseph Campbell, 'Oriental Mythology'

2 "As long as any one injures another, though he should possess the greatest wealth, and all the acres of land which the earth contains, he is still poor." Porphyry (233-304), Greek scholar and Neoplatonic philosopher, 'De Abstinentia'

3 "Do you know who you are? One's whole being is Buddha-nature. One's whole being is the Great Way…Mind is the essential substance of all Buddhas." Bassui Tokusho (1327-1387), letter to a man from Kumasaka

4 "He who has attained discernment and is wise knows the true Self, saying, 'I am the Eternal'…discern the universal Self, the Eternal, changeless, and enjoy supreme peace." Sankara, 'The Crest Jewel of Wisdom'

5 "All life is one, and all its manifestations with which we have had contact are climbing the ladder of evolution." Lord Hugh Dowding (1882-1970), British Air Chief Marshal, speech delivered before the House of Lords, July 18, 1957

6 "Each religion has its own method of realisation whereby the ultimate reality, the final self, the integrating principle is reached." D. T. Suzuki, 'What Is Shin Buddhism?",

7 "Virgin birth, infant god, the holy one violently killed, yet resurrected – these are repeated themes in the history of world religions…These repetitions are reinforcing examples of the universal religious impulse and of the way man seeks to represent the cycle of death and rebirth that runs through all of nature." Bradford Smith, Columbia University professor

8 "All death is but a phoenix fire-death, and new-birth into the Greater and the Better!" Thomas Carlyle, 'Heroes and Hero Worship'

9 "Every soul brings a kind of sense with it into the world, whereby it tastes and relishes what is suitable to its peculiar temper [temperament]." Joseph Glanville (1636-1680, chaplain to King Charles II), 'Lux Orientalis'

10 "Cosmic law will help us to become all that we can possibly wish to be." Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904), Author, teacher, 'Exotics and Retrospectives'

11 "Life is One, and all its forms are interrelated. It follows that every act and thought by any form of life, from the highest to the lowest, must react on every other form." Christmas Humphreys (b. 1901), British author and Buddhist philosopher, 'Karma and Rebirth'

12 "The immortal Self is a ray or emanation of the Universal Self." Editors

13 "All our actions should originate from the spring of unselfish love." Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), German poet, 'Die Bader von Lucca', ch. 17

14 "We are always given a second, and another chance, and another chance, until all of us are able to graduate, to return to the Source and Creator of all life." Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, foreword

15 "Spiritual knowledge and spiritual freedom are born as one." Herbert Fingarette (b. 1921), American philosopher and psychologist, 'The Self in Transformation'

16 "Acting from the highest levels in his being, man is the creative and controlling force in the Universe;….Hence Maeterlinck's famous saying, 'Let us always remember that nothing befalls us that is not of the nature of ourselves.'" Christmas Humphreys (b. 1901), British author and Buddhist philosopher, 'Karma and Rebirth'

17 "The only One breathed breathless by itself. Other than It there nothing since has been." The Hymn of Prajapati in the Rig Vega

18 "Man is the dialogue between nature and God." J. W. von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet

19 "There is a light which enlightens every one that comes into the world; there is a faculty in all to perceive spiritual truth when distinctly presented." George Ripley, founder of Brook Farm, a 19th century Transcendentalist commune, letter to friends

20 "The whole infinity of discrete and independent souls is yet fused into a vast Whole…within the immensity of the World Soul." Dorothea Waley Singer, 'Giordano Bruno, His Life and Thought'

21 "I am convinced that we live in eternity now." Gustaf Stromberg (1882-1962), Swedish-American astronomer and physicist, 'The Searchers'

22 "By one's thought, will and action one determines what one is yet to be." S. Radhakrishnan (1888-1975), Oriental philosopher, President of India from 1962-1967, 'An Idealist View of Life'

23 "The virtues we acquire, which develop slowly within us, are the invisible links that bind each one of our existences to the others." Honore de Balzac, 'Seraphita'

24 "The principles of the successive phases of Spirit are themselves only steps in the development of one universal Spirit." G. W. F. Hegel (1770-1831), German philosopher

25 "It is in love, and in nothing else, that we find not only the supreme value of life, but also the supreme reality of life, and indeed, of the universe." John Ellis McTaggart (1866-1925), British philosopher, 'Human Immortality and Pre-Existence'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite