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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Lectures on Ancient Philosophy
Manly P. Hall

1 “Good continually inclines toward unity or wholeness.”

2 “It is predestined that the Golden Age shall come again; that men shall live together in love and understanding, and the earth shall become once more a garden of surpassing beauty as it was in the beginning.”

3 “He who becomes luminous shines not with a separate light but rather is merged with the one light whose radiance is diffused throughout all worlds.”

4 “As each age comes into manifestation it brings with it a definite philosophic revelation designed to solve the problems peculiar to that age.”

5 “All are embraced within the span of the eternal philosophic NOW.”

6 “All is in All; All is All.” Rosicrucian saying

7 “The One and Undivided is the very foundation of manifested existence.”

8 “There is but one spirit in the universe….there is but one consciousness.”

9 "Unborn and undying, the Self is neither old nor young. Its condition never changes; for though all things pass away, it endures. It is wholeness."

10 "Man, gazing into the eyes of man, beholds therein his Maker. His Creator sings to him with the voice of the wilderness, and descends upon him from the stars that spangle the heavens by night."

11 "All principles and their progeny are finally centered and rooted by their summits in the first great all-comprehending one. Thus all beings proceed from, and are comprehended in the first being; all intellects emanate from one first intellect; all souls from one first soul; all natures blossom from one first nature;…all these great monads are comprehended in the first one, from which both they and all their depending series are unfolded into light. Hence, this first one is truly the unity of unities, the monad of monads, the principle of principles, the God of Gods, one and all things, and yet one prior to all."

12 “Humanity’s sphere of influence is as far-reaching as creation, and what we first agitate diverges to the shores of eternity like the ripples from a stone thrown upon the surface of some placid lake.”

13 "Wholeness is an archetypal quality – an attribute of Deity. Regardless of the nature of its expression, every activity, quality, or condition is essentially a wholeness. This wholeness is made manifest by a division within itself whereby its nature becomes a mass of innumerable fragments, each of the fractions partaking of the quality resident in the original wholeness, and manifesting it through the wholeness of its own fractional part."

14 “Having ultimately attained through right thinking, right feeling, and right living to the condition of the beautiful within ourselves, with enraptured vision we can respond in perfect measure to the eternal beauty which flows from the inexhaustible fountain of the one Good.”

15 "The world is not the product of casual effort or the work of irrational fortune, but the offspring of an intellectual nature and a divine wisdom."

16 “God is all there is….God is the heavens and the earth, and all the creatures that inhabit them.” Anonymous East Indian sage

17 "To know the nature of all things is to realize that all things are good."

18 "There is no way in which to more rapidly release our own internal potentials than through the discovery of the wonders of the Universal Plan and the parts that each of us must play in the perfection of our world."

19 “Plato maintained that the One is All-Being.”

20 “Beauty is in the human soul, lifting us upward to ever nobler vistas of endeavor.”

21 "Man is as surely clothed in the garments of virtue as he is in the garments of the physical; they are vehicles of his expression no less real than are the members formed of bone, flesh, or sinew."

22 “The soul naturally desires the adornment of wholeness.”

23 “All things are one in reality and in essence.”

24 “Think of religion as the universal adoration of creative principles common to all humanity.”

25 "Slayer and savior alike are marching on through the ages toward inevitable perfection."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite