This note is a sketch in progress.
In the context of this project, we define "semantic ontology" as the philosophic and scientific study of words and word-meanings, understood in a way that includes all abstract symbolic representation, including natural language, computer language, logic, mathematics, boolean algebra, set theory, arithmetic, etc. This is a very broad array of subjects, generally thought of as interrelated, but defined without any consistent or systematic way to understand all these subjects areas as branches of one common framework.
We are exploring and unfolding an integrated ("integral") foundation for a universal semantic ontology that we describe as a "closed loop interval ontology". The objective is to define a framework that contains and helps explain all these separate areas, and also shows how they are related to one another.
We are exploring and proposing an explanatory principle of great generality.
- Decomposition of the unit interval - a recursive process
- Universal tree: closed loop at the top, bits and continuum at the bottom, everything built up from the bottom by compositional semantics, all contained within the single bounding container, everything interconnected within the primary trunk or axis of tis tree, everything intrpretd within this framework. All parsing of this space driven by immedae local motivation ("relativistic") while the tree-frame itself define that absolute container of the entire process