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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "From what source will human individuals ultimately draw the desire to accept one another and draw one another towards joyful unity? There is only one conceivable source: a growing attraction to the centre of consciousness in which their fibres and their bundle must complete themselves by reuiniting." The Vision of the Past (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

2 "In cabalistic symbolism, the sacred palace, or the 'inner palace', is located at the junction of the six Directions of Space which, together with the centre, form a septenary... This concept of the Centre embraces the heart and the mind." A Dictionary of Symbols (J. E. Cirlot)

3 "The Divine Life and Will is the centre of the whole universe." The Meaning of Masonry (W. L. Wilmshurst)

4 "Go to the center and know the Whole. Follow this path." Mandala (Jose and Miriam Arguelles)

5 "Traditionally, the center is the most honorable place, known to the Greeks as 'the keep of Zeus.' Protector of hearths and boundaries (centers and circumferences) and the source of moral order, Zeus dispensed judgment from the center." A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art & Science (Michael S. Schneider)

6 "There is only ONE SINGLE CENTER in the universe…it impels the whole of creation along one and the same line, first towards the fullest development of consciousness, and later towards the highest degree of holiness." Writings in Time of War (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

7 "Every place is the center because God is an infinite, intelligible sphere – totally unlimited and undetermined. Wherever the Divine is, that is the center." The Mystic Hours, A Daybook of Interspiritual Wisdom & Devotion (Wayne Teasdale)

8 "As all numbers are in the One, as all radii of the circle are in the centre, and as the powers of all the members are in the soul, so, it is said, is God in all things and all things in God….God is the centre of any one thing – a centre the periphery of which is nowhere." Robert Fludd, Western Esoteric Masters Series (William Huffman, editor)

9 "The centre of a circle is regarded as the indivisible source of all the radii extending from it;…pre-existing in God are all the inner essences of created things." St. Maximos the Confessor, 'Second Century on Theology' The Philokalia, volume 2 (various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain)

10 "The mandala symbolizes the cosmos, and the center of the mandala represents the axis of the universe." Seeing With the Mind's Eye (Mike Samuels, M.D. and Nancy Samuels)

11 "A great many ritual acts have the sole purpose of finding out the spiritual 'Centre' of a locality, which then becomes the site, either in itself or by virtue of the temple built upon it, an 'image of the world'." A Dictionary of Symbols (J. E. Cirlot)

12 "There dwells in the heart of every creature the Master who by his magic power causes all things and creatures to revolve mounted upon the universal wheel of time. Take sanctuary with him with all thy soul." Krishna, 'The Bhagavad Gita' Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery (Cranston/Head, editors)

13 "Black Elk's word, 'The center is everywhere', is matched by a statement from a hermetic, early medieval text, 'The Book of the Twenty-four Philosophers': 'God is an infinite sphere, whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere." The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, Metaphor as Myth and as Religion (Joseph Campbell)

14 "The True Teacher is inside yourself at your very center." The Child Within Us Lives!, A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics (William Samuel)

15 "The symbology of philosophers, founders of religions and poets is wholly idealist and cosmic in direction, embracing all objects, seeking after the infinite and pointing to the mysteries of the mystical 'centre.'" A Dictionary of Symbols (J. E. Cirlot)

16 "The inter-personal contains the hopes of higher union on which evolution lives. It is the milieu of the monads' mutual attraction and confluence that sustains their final centre of coalescence." Writings in Time of War (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

17 "The hearth in the home, the altar in the temple, is the hub of the wheel of the earth, the womb of the Universal Mother whose fire is the fire of life." Hero With A Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell)

18 "There is a root or depth in you from whence all these faculties come forth as lines from a centre, or as branches from the body of a tree. The depth is called the centre, the fund, or bottom of the soul. This depth is the unity, the Eternity, I had almost said the infinity of your soul, for it is so infinite that nothing can satisfy it, or give it any rest, but the infinity of God." William Law (1688-1761), English clergyman, 'The Spirit of Prayer' Mysticism (Evelyn Underhill)

19 "Unconsciously dwelling at our inmost center; beneath the surface shuttlings of our sensations, precepts, and thoughts; wrapped in the envelope of soul (which too is finally porous) is the eternal and the divine, the final Reality." Beyond the Post-Modern Mind (Huston Smith)

20 "The tree of life symbolizes the interdimensional central axis, with its energy centers and branching channels, that is our connection with the realms of spirit and hence immortal life." The Unfolding Self: Varieties of Transformative Experience (Ralph Metzner)

21 "Every point in the cosmos can be considered its centre." To Hear the Angels Sing (Dorothy Maclean)

22 "In unity, in a point, and a centre, which are the three principles of number, measure and weight, are all things created…and in God they are all things;…for in the centre He sustains all, in the point fulfils all, and in unity perfects all." 'Theatrum Chemicum' (1622), Aurora Consurgens (Marie Louise vonFranz)

23 "At the centre of ourselves, deeper than any dissecting knife can reach or than any physical investigation can fathom, lies buried the vital and immortal principle, the glimmering ray that affiliates us to the Divine Centre of all life, and that is never wholly extinguished however…imperfect our lives may be." The Meaning of Masonry (W. L. Wilmshurst)

24 "The centre is that microcosmic point in which the macrocosm is concentrated." Ariadne's Clue, A Guide to the Symbols of Humankind (Anthony Stevens)

25 "All of Chinese thinking – Confucianism, Taoism, as well as Buddhism – contains the idea that in the course of life, man will shape harmoniously those psychic and physical predispositions that he received as capital assets by unifying them and giving them form from within a center." Lectures on the I Ching: Constancy and Change (Richard Wilhelm)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite