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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "The goodness of God keeps the wheels of the universe whirring;…We set our feet on a road because there is goodness at the end of it; we keep our hands at a task because the goodness at the end of it makes all the labor well worthwhile; our minds probe into every corner of the universe because our hearts are hungry for the goodness to be discovered in the universe and its Maker." My Way of Life, The Summa Simplified for Everyone (Walter Farrell and Martin J. Healy)

2 "The Deity has taken its abode in man with the obvious intention of realizing Its Good in man." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1951-1961 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

3 "The Infinite Goodness has such wide arms that it takes whatever turns to it." Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), 'The Divine Comedy' Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 16th edition (John Bartlett)

4 "A life of love and effort on behalf of the collective good promises the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing what you were born to do." Marianne Williamson, 'Spiritual Politics' The Fabric of the Future (M. J. Ryan, editor)

5 "This world's no blot for us, Nor blank; it means intensely, and means good; To find its meaning is my meat and drink." Robert Browning, 'Fra Lippo Lippi' Living Quotations for Christians (Sherwood Eliot Wirt and Kersten Beckstrom, editors)

6 "From being open and honest with ourselves, we can also learn to be open with others. So we can work with the rest of the world, on the basis of the goodness we discover in ourselves." Shambhala (Chogyam Trungpa)

7 "There is never an end, as there is never a beginning, to the good which God does: just as the property of light is to illuminate, so the property of God is to do good." St. Maximos the Confessor, 'First Century on Theology' The Philokalia, volume 2 (various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain)

8 "There is a little sense of justice and of mercy in the vilest men of earth. By taking heed to what you do and say and trusting in the guidance of the Holy Breath, you may inspire this sense to grow." ch. 113, v. 21,22 Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ (Leo W. Dowling)

9 "A seed for transformation exists within the soul of each act of goodness." Invisible Acts of Power: Personal Choices That Create Miracles (Caroline Myss)

10 "Good and evil are the light and shade of the same thing." Duncton Found (William Horwood)

11 "According to Wisdom 7:23f., Wisdom is a 'vapour of the power of God and a certain pure emanation of the glory of almighty God…the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty, and the image of his goodness.'" Aurora Consurgens (Marie Louise vonFranz)

12 "The love of truth is inherently the love of good; and so predominating over every desire of the soul, purifying it and assimilating it to the divine, thus governing every act of the individual, it raises humanity to a participation and communion with Divinity." Isis Unveiled (Helena P. Blavatsky)

13 "Man has the privilege and possesses the possibilities of choosing the good." Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Knowledge (Zolar)

14 “Let us look at the world through the eyes of those dreamers who have dared to believe that the good in human nature would ultimately blossom forth and regenerate the entire social system.” Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (Manly P. Hall)

15 “Having ultimately attained through right thinking, right feeling, and right living to the condition of the beautiful within ourselves, with enraptured vision we can respond in perfect measure to the eternal beauty which flows from the inexhaustible fountain of the one Good.” Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (Manly P. Hall)

16 "The Divine One is himself the Good (in the primary and proper sense of the word), whose very nature is goodness." Gregory of Nyssa (331-396) Devotional Classics (Richard J. Foster and James Bryan Smith, editors)

17 "All is of God that is, and is to be; and God is good." John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892) Daily Strength for Daily Needs (Mary Wilder Tileston, Compiler)

18 "There is always local confirmation of good at hand if we persistently look for it." The Child Within Us Lives!, A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics (William Samuel)

19 "Every being is good, since He who is the Creator of all being whatever is supremely good." St. Augustine, 'Enchiridion' The Book of Catholic Quotations (John Chapin, Editor)

20 "Good encompasses evil and transmutes it, showing its place in the total scheme of things." The Way Things Are (Huston Smith, edited by Phil Cousineau)

21 "In spite of everything, 'all will be well' and, in some way, already IS well." The Perennial Philosophy (Aldous Huxley)

22 “There is nothing in the world without a share of the Beautiful and the Good.” Pseudo-Dionysius, The Complete Works (John Farina, Editor-in-Chief)

23 "The world is built on truth and filled with goodness." My Way of Life, The Summa Simplified for Everyone (Walter Farrell and Martin J. Healy)

24 "All good things come to those who live harmlessly." The Unfinished Autobiography (Alice A. Bailey)

25 "The only cause of all created things, whether heavenly or earthy, whether visible or invisible, is the goodness of the Creator, the one true God; and nothing exists but Himself that does not derive its existence from Him." St. Augustine (354-430) A Treasury of Philosophy, Vol. 1 (Dagobert D. Runes, editor)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite