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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Household of the Grail
John Matthews, editor
A collection of essays which shed light on different aspects of the Holy Grail

1 "Underlying all the diverse expressions of religious truth in the different great world religions there lies a substratum common to them all." Robin Waterfield, 'Julius Evola: An Italian Interpreter of the Grail'

2 "The Father-Ground of all Creation is the selfless giving Will which gives us all and each our very being." Charles Lawrie, 'Doctor Stone: Walter Stein and the Holy Grail'

3 "I use the word 'myth' with respect, denoting 'a powerful salvific story grounded in ancestral memory.'" Caitlin Matthews, 'The Voice of the Wells'

4 "All things in creation, no matter how large or small, are intimately connected, so that no single act can take place which does not have its concomitant effect elsewhere." John Matthews, 'Charles Williams and The Arthuriad'

5 "Myths hold something which is universal." Greg Stafford, 'Sir Thomas Malory'

6 "In any altercation or misfortune, true love can help the lover through." Greg Stafford, 'Sir Thomas Malory'

7 "As the visions of mystics from many times and faiths point to a single reality, so the quest for illumination is in essence the same. The way to the light is love." Diana L. Paxson, 'Chretien de Troyes and The Cauldron of Story'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite