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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Agartha: The Essential Guide to Personal Transformation in the New Era
Meredith L. Young
Channeled wisdom which affirms humanity's Divinity and its place in the One consciousness that unites all beings.

1 "There is a drive subtly and yet relentlessly pushing the human species forward to fulfillment of the purpose of awakening." 97

2 "Acceptance of the oneness of the Universe is essential for those feeling fragmented and alone and lacking a sense of spiritual connection."

3 "All life has the potential to give and receive love."

4 "Indeed, there is a Divine Providence that directs our lives toward those elements that can both teach and guide us in the most appropriate directions."

5 "Individually and collectively, maturity is gained only as each person reaches, through love, for recognition of his own living connection to all other living energies of the Universe."

6 "Enlightenment has already found a home within your heart. You have but to loosen the confines in which it is held and allow the realization of your oneness with God to fly freely to your conscious mind. You must have eyes to see, ears to hear and mind to understand the language of the heart."

7 "Choices, there always seem to be choices. Life is indeed a series of unending choices, all of which more finely tune one's path."

8 "All aspects of the universe are subject to constant change, continually moving in a direction of enlightenment. Change but provides the doorways through which all must travel to find true peace."

9 "God is the composite of all life-force energy, both the celestial forces and the internal forces of one's heart. God is the total living force of the Universe."

10 "Universal Energy projects love to all elements – be sensitive to this fact."

11 "God, the Isness, the Great Oneness of the Universe, is the collective presence of all things living, all evolving beings."

12 "The peoples of the world are indeed one with each other and all creative universal forces."

13 "The individual possesses the freedom with which to pursue the question: 'Who Am I….Who Really Am I?' This search takes people…to the eternal core of all life in pursuit of the spiritual matrix."

14 "Each organism and substance holds tenaciously to the fulfillment of its unique purpose."

15 "The Universal Core bestows creative impetus upon each soul."

16 "Nature and man serve a common destiny: nurturing the Planet with love."

17 "A unique aspect of the human experience is the opportunity to piece together the many facets of one's evolving life pattern into a meaningful whole."

18 "When the human race willingly accepts its joint participation in the earthly experience, then there will be no more advantage taken, one of another. Then there will be mutual respect and understanding as each life force searches to further its own development through meaningful interaction."

19 "All creatures of creation are working together to create the most perfect whole."

20 "As each person moves through each day, he must realize he is choosing not only his course but also the course of his planet."

21 "Love is, indeed, the appropriate and, in fact, only relevant vehicle for increasing man's vistas of harmony on Planet Earth."

22 "Each magnificent unit of living matter deserves to be all that it can be and to reach the heights of achievement and awareness, not according to any artificial standard of achievement, but according to what one feels inside and intuitively knows to be true about himself."

23 "Love the God Fiber in those people whose earthly demeanor makes it impossible for communication on a conscious level."

24 "The right to live with mutual consideration and respect needs to be the newly-forged path of an aware society."

25 "It is man's natural birthright to be one with the Creator of all things."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite