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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing Through Spiritual Illusions
Frances Vaughan, Ph.D.

1 "Reflect for a moment on the fact that any personal pain is only a microcosm of the suffering of humanity and life on earth. Everyone is in need of healing. All creatures experiencing birth, impermanence, old age, disease and death, encounter pain in some form….Be aware of your desire to extend love and relieve the suffering of the countless sentient beings in the world."

2 "Journeying from the relative toward the Absolute means at once losing the freedom of living in error and gaining freedom from the tyranny of all the psycho-material determinations which imprison and stifle the soul." Seyyed Hossein Nasr, 'Knowledge and the Sacred'

3 "The deeper we go into our own suffering and sorrow, the more we discover that the seeds of love and healing lie hidden under the pain."

4 "What you are seeking is already hidden in the depths of your own being. 'Tat Tvam asi', thou art that. Love, lover and beloved are one."

5 "You have only to wake up to who and what you are to discover that Spirit, as the ground of being, is always present wherever you are, whether you know it or not."

6 "To recognize an inner source of love is to access a source of self-healing without which therapeutic techniques and medicines are of limited value. Healing hearts and minds depends on opening to love."

7 "The soul comes to rest only in its true home, the Source of love."

8 "Wisdom knows that behind the Many is the One." Ken Wilber, 'Sex, Ecology and Spirituality'

9 "The Eternal Self, or Atman, the seed of divinity within the soul, is birthless and deathless and cannot be destroyed."

10 "Love as a universal experience that illuminates the spiritual path is a source of healing and guidance at every step along the way. By clearing away the blocks to our awareness of love's presence we reawaken to its original blessing."

11 "The divinity permeates existence."

12 "If we open our hearts to the suffering of the world, the healer in each of us is called forth to manifest the qualities of love and compassion and relieve suffering wherever we find it. In our effort to heal others, we also heal ourselves."

13 "The circle is a symbol of wholeness, totality and individuation."

14 "As one goes further and further on the path of truth, the freedom becomes greater at every step." Hazrat Inayat Khan, Omega Institute Newsletter, 1985

15 "Love expressed as altruism is found in all cultures, not only in social service and philanthropy, but among parents, teachers, healers, mentors, friends and lovers of all persuasions."

16 "The kingdom of heaven that can be found within is a state of BEING IN LOVE, and this state of mind can be discovered by anyone who truly wants it."

17 "It is love that gives worth to being, and the mystical revelation that God is love is the sacred knowledge that can be transformed into wisdom."

18 "Ancient spiritual teachings say that wherever there is other, there is fear."

19 "When you go around the Earth in an hour and a half, you begin to recognize that your identity is with that whole thing. That makes a change….From where you see it, the thing is a whole, and it's so beautiful." Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 astronaut

20 "Eternity is not a very long time, but a point of awareness unbounded by space and time."

21 "Giving is the highest expression of potency. In the very act of giving, I experience my strength, my wealth, my power. This experience of heightened vitality and potency fills me with joy." Erich Fromm, 'The Art of Loving'

22 "As our soul contemplates its Archetype, so that Archetype in turn contemplates the One, which is its Source." Plotinus

23 "Shadows are dispelled when we begin to see the world through the eyes of love and acceptance rather than judgment."

24 "Every major culture of the world includes in its mythology archetypal figures representing death and rebirth or transformation." Stanislav Grof

25 "Esoteric wisdom teaches that death is not an end, but a transformation, and that death is followed by rebirth."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite