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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Modern Numerology: A Practical Guide to the Meaning and Influence of Numbers
John King
Links user-friendly mathematical explanations with a deep understanding of numerology's honorable spiritual traditions; includes practical suggestions for a better understanding of the human condition.

1 "The whole created universe corresponds to number, and through study of number may be obtained some glimpses of the eternal and divine purpose which animates all living things."

2 "Numbers are the representations of real and eternal truths beyond space and time, and of a purposeful pattern to the universe."

3 "Numbers have been part of our thinking since before we lived in caves. There is not a single religion, past or present, which fails to attribute a special significance to some number or group of numbers."

4 "One is the Ineffable, the Unutterable, the eternal source of the fountain, the beginning of the unfolding."

5 "Harmonious relationship…is eternally and inherently present in the universe, waiting only to be discovered or realized. There is a cosmic harmony, which is founded in the eternal perfection of number."

6 "There is a discernible relationship between numbers and the sacred mysteries at the heart of creation."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite