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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Nature and Truth of the Great Religions
August Karl Reischauer

1 "The supreme value in human life should be seen in the achievement of an ethical and spiritual personality for the individual, and the fellowship of such individuals with each other and with God."

2 "Sufism sees man in his true being essentially one in nature with God."

3 "God is the Ultimate Reality and all things owe their origin and continuing existence to Him."

4 "Man must renounce all wars and settle his differences by peaceful means. This means, of course, that there must be mutual trust and confidence that agreements made in the interest of peace will be kept. But this, in short, requires a real regard for moral and spiritual values such as the major religions of mankind have always stressed."

5 "All have the 'Buddha Nature' as the core of their true being and therefore can become Buddhas when fully enlightened. Not only human beings have this 'Buddha Nature' but all beings, or as it is put more graphically, 'In every particle of dust there dwells a Buddha.'"

6 "'Sit in the center of yourself and you see what is and shall be,' says a Sufi mystic."

7 "The natural world in its very essence is Divine."

8 "Man is by nature one in essence with the eternal Tao and he should live his life in full realization of this fact and so find a sense of peace and security amid all changes to which human life is heir."

9 "Confucius regarded ethical values and ideals as grounded not simply in human nature as such but rather in the superhuman realm, in 'Heaven' or Ultimate Reality."

10 "The natural corrolary of the Oneness of God and the unity of mankind is the fundamental equality of all men and races before God. And this means, or should mean, a real democracy of spirit in the relation of men to each other."

11 "Man is basically a spiritual being, one in nature with the Eternal and Unitary Ground of all existence."

12 "What is deepest and truest of man's own spiritual being is at the same time the key to an understanding of Ultimate Reality."

13 "As Mencius put it: 'The tendency of man's nature to good is like the tendency of water to flow downwards. There are none but have this tendency to good, just as all water flows downwards.'"

14 "There is a higher power which shapes the destiny of all, and the individual can rely on this power."

15 "They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuna and Agni….To what is One, the poets give many a name." Rig Veda I. 164. 46

16 "Moral values and meanings are not mere rules invented by man to regulate human society. They are rather man's awareness and understanding of the eternal Moral Order."

17 "In the depths of his own true being man is akin to and a part of what is ultimately real and eternal."

18 "Man, when he is true to himself, stays close to Nature or to the eternal Tao, 'the Way' of all things."

19 "No one can really work effectively in enriching the lives of others and bringing them the good life in all its fulness without the spirit of love and friendship."

20 "Reality is basically an Absolute Oneness."

21 "Confucius and Mencius maintained that the very core of the truly good life is a life lived in obedience to the moral law and in the awareness that the moral law is grounded in the Eternal."

22 "At the heart of all reality is the Infinite and Eternal Being…the infinite Mind and sovereign Will working creatively in all things and through all things with a purpose which it is man's highest interest to know and with which it is man's chief duty to relate himself."

23 "The world is ever changing in outward things of human culture. Tongues shall cease and the knowledge of today shall be made obsolete by the new and fuller knowledge of tomorrow, for all human knowledge is fragmentary and like seeing 'in a mirror dimly'; but one thing can remain essentially the same under all the varying conditions of human life and in spite of the widest differences in human culture, and that is the spirit of love."

24 "Pantheism frankly accepts the things of the outer world as being just as truly an aspect of the Divine or Ultimate Rality as is man's own psychic and spiritual nature."

25 "The universe and I came into being together, and I, and all things therein, are One." Chuang-Tzu

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite