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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Great Secret
Maurice Maeterlinck
A penetrating survery of the historical quest for the meaning of life, written by a Nobel Prize-winning playwright and philosopher.

1 "All creatures exist in this Supreme Spirit, and this Supreme Spirit exists in all creatures." Yadjur Veda

2 "The evolution, which upon this earth of ours, began with minerals and ends in man, is assuredly a spiritual evolution."

3 "Nothing perishes, even to the breath of His mouth; everything has its place and its destination….Even the speech of man and the sound of his voice do not lapse into non-existence; everything has its place and its dwelling." Zohar II, 100-b

4 "The essence of all things is one and that spirit is the source of all, the only certitude, the sole eternal reality."

5 "Between the human state and the divine there is but a difference of degree. Man is in process of development; at the end of the course he becomes God."

6 "At the moment of our conception…already we held within us all that our ancestors had been; we bore within us all that they had acquired during a tale of centuries whose number no one knows; their experience, their wisdom, their habits, their defects and qualities, and the consequences of their imperfections and their merits; all this was packed, struggling and fructifying, into one invisible speck. And we likewise bore within us the whole of our descendants; the whole unbroken sequence of our children and our children's children, in whom we shall live again through the infinity of the ages, though already we hold within us all their aptitudes, all their destinies, all their future. When matter accumulates so many things in a scrap of filament so fine that it all but escapes the microscope, is it not subtle to the point of bearing a strange resemblance to a spiritual principle?"

7 "The sage fixes his eyes upon this mysterious Being in whom the universe perpetually exists, for it has no other foundation. In Him this world is contained; it is from Him that this world has issued. He is entwined and enwoven in all created things, under all the varied forms of life." Yadjur Veda

8 "The Eternal and Supreme Being, the One Alone, is the upholder of the whole universe." Max Muller, 'The Origin of Religion'

9 "The En-Sof, the Infinite, is everything; consequently everything is the En-Sof."

10 "Through man God remakes Himself, having passed through the whole splendid divinity of living creatures. Since man is an expression epitomizing all things,…he draws with him, as he climbs, all the lower elements, and his ascent entails the ascent of the whole cosmos."

11 "The dominant note of the Upanishads is 'Know thyself.'" Max Muller, 'The Origin of Religion'

12 "Mind….cannot die; somewhere it finds a refuge and continues to exist, intangible and imperishable, above the absolute destruction of its instruments or its media."

13 "All comes from God, all returns to God; all becomes one, one becomes all. God, or the world, is one: the divine idea is diffused throughout every quarter of the universe."

14 "In Him, who is the great consciousness, matter acquires consciousness of the distance that separates it from the Supreme Good, and strives to approach the latter. Through man the darkness aspires toward the light, the multiple toward the single."

15 "All things are God…All things exist in Him."

16 "Everything seems to be full of God's reflex, if we could but see it." Charles Kingsley, novelist

17 "It is in the soul that the meaning of the universe is revealed." Rudolf Steiner

18 "We do know that, being everywhere and everything, God is necessarily in man, and that He IS man."

19 "Your true ego belongs to the Eternal Self: the Atman, the personality within you, is the true Brahma." Max Muller, 'The Origin of Religion'

20 "It is in you yourself that God is hidden and it is in you yourself that you must find Him. He is there, within you, no less than in those in whom He appears to be incarnated in a more dazzling fashion. Every man is Krishna, every man is Buddha."

21 "God is Being. He is all things, existing and in Himself…He is all things and in all things, the eternal soul of all created beings…He is the unification of all material, intellectual, and moral forms of all existing beings."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite