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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The American Theosophist

1 "All forms of sincere worship and all gods are facets which mirror one aspect or other of the One Reality." Jeanine Miller, 'The Relevance of the Vedas to Modern Man'

2 "The great unitary vision of the Vedic sage made him capable of conceiving a oneness to which all aspects converged; all things, working toward greater harmony of the whole." Jeanine Miller, 'The Relevance of the Vedas to Modern Man'

3 "Throughout it all the great themes of righteousness or duty, of love or devotion, of truth in word, thought, and deed, of reward and punishment or cause and effect or action and reaction, of self-sacrifice, generosity, hospitality, remain the basic seeds of all civilizations, are present in all religions and are as fundamental and vital today as ever before." Jeanine Miller, 'The Relevance of the Vedas to Modern Man'

4 "Cultivation of the mind of love is essential…We should all take it as the very basis and structure of our practice." The Dalai Lama, 'Between Self and Others: Cultivating an Enlightened Attitude'

5 "We are not only a link among many others, but a vital, creative factor in the vast cosmic drama, capable and indeed called upon to play a dynamic part in the world toward the building up of all into one harmonious whole." Jeanine Miller, 'The Relevance of the Vedas to Modern Man'

6 "The last hymn of the Rig Veda collection is so appropriate to our modern world that it should be recited before every session of the United Nations: 'Gather together, converse together. Your minds be of one accord…United be your counsel, united your assembly, united your spirit and thought. A single plan do I lay before you; a single oblation do I offer. United be your resolve, united your hearts, may your spirits be at one, that you may long together to be in unity and concord.' (Rgv.X.191.2-4)" Jeanine Miller, 'The Relevance of the Vedas to Modern Man'

7 "That which is one has developed into the all." Rig Veda VIII.58.2d

8 "Our neighbor is not simply 'the Other.' He or she reveals to us that unifyng link which binds us together." Jay G. Williams, 'How Pleasant It Is…'

9 "Wisdom and morality alike consist in recognizing that one is NOT separate at all, but rather completely and intimately related to the rest of creation." William Ophuls, 'Political Values For an Age of Scarcity: Buddhist Politics'

10 "In this mighty living organism that is the Universe there is nothing really dead or absolutely unconscious. On the contrary, like every cell in a living healthy body, every part and every cell in the universe is alive….every part, every particle in it is ensouled, inspirited, by the All-aware, All-feeeling Being that is Atman." J. C. Chatterji, 'The Wisdom of the Vedas'

11 "Ultimate ONENESS is a characteristic of the Rig Vedic vision." Jeanine Miller, 'The Relevance of the Vedas to Modern Man'

12 "Universal archetypes are valid for all human beings, irrespective of race, culture and social conditions." Lama Anagarika Govinda, 'Symbols of Transformation'

13 "Him with fair wings, though only one in nature, inspired sages shape with songs in many figures." Rig Veda X.114.5

14 "The universe, produced from the one undivided Atman by the on-rolling process of manifestation, is a unified system, a mighty organism in which the inmost nucleus and pervading Spirit and Self is the one abiding Being." J. C. Chatterji, 'The Wisdom of the Vedas'

15 "Whether one believes in a religion or not, whether one believes in rebirth or not, there is none who does not appreciate love and compassion." The Dalai Lama, 'Between Self and Others: Cultivating an Enlightened Attitude'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite