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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Drawing the Larger Circle, How to Love and Be Loved
Jack and Cornelia Addington
The authors claim that it is imperative in our times to send out ever-widening circles of love, especially to those who find it difficult to love.

1 "Ask yourself in everything you do, 'Is this the loving thing to do? Is this the loving answer? Am I letting God's love live through me as I take this step?'"

2 "Love embraces all. Love forgives all. Love swallows up all of our failures and gives us back its grace. It is so freely given."

3 "The Christ in me salutes the Christ in you. The Christ in me understands the Christ in you."

4 "Love, being omnipresent, is the common denominator of all of life. As we express love we immediately find that we have something very definite in common with every part of life."

5 "None of us achieve emotional maturity until we have learned not only to love our neighbor, to say 'I care' and mean it, but have learned to love ourselves."

6 "Love is always received – it may take time for it to be understood, but it is always received for what it is."

7 "Love the power of love within you – this is loving God within."

8 "Down deep we know we need to love more."

9 "God's love is perfect in and through His creation. We, being the image and likeness of God, can feel this love and know that it is there for us. We can start by recognizing the expression of love in the beauty of nature surrounding us. We begin to realize that this is God expressing His love. We can feel this love expressing through us. We are the image and likeness of God, that we, too, may love. God is love, and when we love we are like Him."

10 "I know no feeling of separation from any living soul for we are all one as the love of God works in and through His perfect creation."

11 "There is no condition – no matter how fixed and intolerable – which cannot be overcome by love. There is no person, regardless of what depths he has sunk to, who cannot be helped, improved, and lifted up by love."

12 "Perfect love casts out fear. Perfect love is right within you, ready to be sent forth in ever-widening circles. Learn how to release that perfect love within that casts out fear."

13 "Each person is a center of infinite love….Through recognition, the use of infinite love within a person can grow."

14 "Man, the image and likeness of God, the very expression of God, is one with the Presence; but only his recognition of his oneness will bring unity into his experience."

15 "People say to me, 'how can I pray for another?' It's really very simple. Sit down and surround the person you are thinking of with love. Love him. Love her. Feel this love through your whole being. Then right thoughts and right words and right ideas will come to you. The real work is done when you start loving."

16 "Love is the self-givingness of the Spirit through the desire of Life to express Itself in terms of creation. Love is free from condemnation, even as it is free from fear. Love is a cosmic force whose sweep is irresistible. Love is the central flame of the universe, nay, the very fire itself. Love is self-givingness through creation, the impartation of the Divine through the human." Ernest Holmes, 'The Science of Mind'

17 "God is love, God is infinite and everywhere present in exactly the same degree."

18 "It is not a matter of 'I ought to love'; not 'I will love'; not 'I hope to love some day'; but 'I love you now'. You may not like what a person does; you may not approve of him, but you cannot afford to not love him. Think to yourself: 'I love God in this person.'"

19 "Truly, 'all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose' (Romans 8:28). What is his purpose? – love shared, love made manifest, love everywhere present."

20 "Love is all-inclusive. Every small attempt on our part to let the love of God express through us brings us closer to the ultimate cosmic experience of all-inclusive love."

21 "Now, we see that if love does not supplant hate we will destroy ourselves. Hate, resentment and fear are destructive. Love, rightly used, is constructive and it is through love and understanding that a strong and enduring civilization will emerge."

22 "The love we realize within ourselves and pass on to others will bring sanity to a disturbed world."

23 "There is an old saying, 'It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.' When we tell someone 'I love you', when we spread love, even the little that each one is able to do, we are lighting a candle in the darkness and our light shines a long way."

24 "If people seem to be difficult, I silently bless them until enemies become friends – friends who have caused me to experience more love. There is no problem which love cannot heal. For this I give thanks."

25 "Eventually we come to see that we cannot afford to resent another human soul. It makes us miserable. Eventually it makes us physically ill. It is therefore imperative that we send out those ever-widening circles of love. We must especially send them out to those who have despitefully used us, and might have rejected our love."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite