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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Gift of Change, Spiritual Guidance for a Radically New Life
Marianne Williamson
Williamson delves deeply into the powerful role of change in our lives today. Far from being something to fear and avoid, she says, every change - even the most difficult - gives us an opportunity to receive the divine gift of personal, and ultimately global, transformation.

1 "Remember, every thought we think takes us and others around us either straight to heaven (an awareness of our oneness) or straight to hell (the ego's state of separation)."

2 "Our mistakes are not sins God wants to punish but rather errors He wants to correct."

3 "Every situation represents a choice: do we prefer to stay with ego-based patterns of thought and behavior, or do we choose to play life in a higher, more loving way? Will we tread the path of limitation and fear, though that path has grown painful and boring and old, or do we choose to give birth to a higher mode of expression?"

4 "In the Christmas carol where we sing, 'Do you see what I see?' there is a deeper question being asked than whether someone sees a physical child in a manger. 'Do you see what I see?' refers to a question of consciousness, as in, do you see that spiritual reality? Do you grasp it, can you imagine it? For if you do, you can have it. The possibility exists."

5 "The real you is an expanded self, literally one with the entire world."

6 "The truth is that every stage of our lives is perfect, if we allow ourselves to really live in it. If we concentrate on the present, contributing and showing up for it as fully as we can, then any moment can have its blessings, and the future will unfold in the direction of ever greater good."

7 "Many of us think God has a plan, and we believe – still – that its name is love. Not a silly love. Not a childish love. But a powerful love, an awesome love so aligned with God that it will change all things."

8 "There is a plan for our lives – God's plan – and it oversees exactly where we are and where we need to be going."

9 "Whether or not a particular religion is our personal path, its core mystical teachings apply to everyone."

10 "When we reach for the highest within ourselves, people around us feel called to their highest. And that is the beacon for which every soul is looking."

11 "The notion that a great wave of love will be the salvation of the human race is an idea whose time has come. And our willingness to be part of that wave gives a transcendent purpose to our lives."

12 "When we mentally identify with the realm of the spirit, we see endless love, unlimited possibility, and the oneness of all things."

13 "As long as we doubt that happiness and God's will are the same thing, we tend to decide against ourselves."

14 "Nations, like individuals, emerge spiritually from the Mind of God….and He is love."

15 "The present is holy ground – the only place where eternity meets linear time."

16 "Who we really are is a power bigger than all our problems, both personal and collective. And when we have remembered who we are, our problems – which are literally nothing other than manifestations of our forgetfulness – will disappear."

17 "When we're not thinking with love, we're actually not thinking at all. We're hallucinating."

18 "There is no unit of time or space, nor element of life, about which the Author of All Things is not actively concerned. He loves you because He loves everything and everyone. He who is Love cannot not love."

19 "If we're deeply, truly honest with ourselves, we know we're longing to be pregnant with God."

20 "There are only two core emotions: love and fear. And love is to fear as light is to darkness; in the presence of one, the other disappears. As we shift our perceptions from fear to love – sometimes in cases where it's not so hard and ultimately in cases where it takes spiritual mastery to do so – we become miracle workers in the truest sense. For when our minds are surrendered to love, they are surrendered to a higher power. And from that, all miracles follow."

21 "We can live in fear, or we can live in love. And every moment, we decide. The greatest power God has given us to change the world is the power to change our thoughts about the world. And as we do, the world transforms."

22 "God has a blueprint for creating peace on earth. It's not a physical blueprint, but rather a plan that exists in His Mind, pieces of it ready to be downloaded into the mind of anyone who asks to receive his or her part. Each of us carries maximal potential to be used by God to heal the world. He has a plan. And it cannot not work."

23 "Love is not just a feeling; it is a force. And it is a force that is ultimately more powerful than violence of any kind.'

24 "We know there is a world of love that lies beyond what we see, and we were born to make it manifest. If we apply ourselves body and soul to the task, then one day – right here on earth – we will experience an illumined world."

25 "Obedience to God means a willingness to follow the dictates of love; thoughts and behavior prescribed for us by a force that wants only our happiness and good."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite