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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Care of the Soul
Thomas Moore
A guide for cultivating depth and sacredness in everyday life

1 "Every fall into ignorance and confusion is an opportunity to discover that the beast residing at the center of the labyrinth is also an angel."

2 "Mythology, the fine arts, religions of the world, and dreams provide priceless imagery by which the soul's mysteries are simultaneously revealed and contained."

3 "Increase of imagination is always an increase in soul."

4 "What we need is a way out of dualistic attitudes. We need a third possibility, and that third is soul."

5 "Ancient psychologists taught that our own souls are inseparable from the world's soul, and that both are found in all the many things that make up nature and culture."

6 "The ultimate cure, as many ancient and modern psychologists of depth have asserted, comes from love and not from logic."

7 "The act of entering into the mysteries of the soul, without sentimentality or pessimism, encourages life to blossom forth according to its own designs and with its own unpredictable beauty."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite