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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Labours of Hercules
Alice A. Bailey
This is the story of the experiences of the mythical Son of God, Hercules, who gives us a synthetic picture of the progress of the individual soul and the world soul from ignorance to wisdom, from material desire to spiritual achievement.

1 "The broom of God must sweep away the debris of the ages in order that the high ideals of brotherhood and unity may be incorporated into the very structure of our institutions, that the lives people lead may reflect the divine image that is indelibly imprinted in their essential being."

2 "Acceptance of imposed dogmas is now giving place to experiment, and a divine self-determination, based on a realised unity with the Life in which we live and move and have our being, is taking the place of credulity and superstition."

3 "There is dawning on the human consciousness a growing realisation of innate divinity and that humanity is in very truth made in the image of God….The idea of purpose and of plan is being grasped, and the entire attitude towards life is rapidly changing. Surely it should now be possible to gain such a synthetic picture of the progress of the soul from ignorance to wisdom, from material desire to spiritual achievement that the end may be visioned from the beginning and intelligent cooperation with soul purpose take the place of blind endeavor."

4 "All is God in manifestation; it is all energy in different categories."

5 "Every difficulty, however terrible it may appear to be, contains a jewel of great value. No attempt to dominate the lower nature and discover that jewel is ever futile."

6 "God is the sum total of all forms, the sum total of all states of consciousness, and the energising Life."

7 "The one Life guides all creation onward to a glorious consummation….such is the goal before humanity as a whole, whose ultimate group achievement will be brought about by the many individual perfections."

8 "Through emotional sensitivity and response, we can be en rapport with the world in which our labours are cast."

9 "Christ was the perfect expression of divinity in form. He balanced spirit and matter perfectly. That is the work we all have to do."

10 "The testimony of the mystics of all time is so vast that it now in itself constitutes a body of proven facts and cannot be gainsaid."

11 "I do not see failure anywhere in the Great Plan."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite