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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Basic Theosophy
Geoffrey Hodson

1 "All experience is valuable; nothing is wasted, even if it appears so, for silently the seed is developing. Thus, life is educative in the truest sense."

2 "Man can master circumstances and make of each experience an opportunity for a fresh beginning, however heavily the past may weigh upon him."

3 "All things are located everywhere. Everything is all, and all is each thing; infinite splendour is radiated around. Everything is great, for even the small is great." Plotinus

4 "A gardener or farmer plants his seeds underground and, in due course, the new plants appear and complete their cycle of growth, which is generally consummated in the production of more seeds. The One Life, the One Law and the One Energy, to which the name 'God' has been given, would seem similarly to provide for the innermost selves of humanity the conditions necessary for the germination and development of their limitless, but at first seed-like deific powers. These conditions have some analogy with those provided for the seed of a plant when it is planted in the soil."

5 "Man is indeed a mystery, since he contains germinally within himself all his Creator's manifested attributes and powers and, in addition, those which will continue to become manifest throughout unending ages."

6 "The soul of man is immortal, and its future is the future of a thing whose growth and splendour has no limit." 'The Idyll of the White Lotus'

7 "Spiritual awakening in mankind is as natural as is the appearance of bud and flower in the plant."

8 "Man, in his essential spiritual nature, is as a seed of the Deity."

9 "That nature only is good when it shall not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self." Dadistan-i-dinik, 94:5 (Zoroastrian)

10 "God and man are one and indivisible throughout all eternity. This is the one supreme truth taught in all Mystery Schools and in all religions."

11 "That One Alone becomes manifest…as all the exuberant variety and richness of individuality everywhere apparent throughout Nature."

12 "Send out affection to all – flooding every living creature with the power of love."

13 "Every experience has its value in terms of a drawing out, an increase, of innate power, wisdom and knowledge."

14 "Even a partial realisation of the unity of life blends a person mentally and spiritually with his fellowmen and with Nature. At the same time, it endows him with power which he can use in character-correction and character-building."

15 "The [human] Monad is a seed of the tree of life, a quiescent spark in the One Flame or Supreme Fire, a breath of the Great Breath, a cell in the Divine Body, a Divine Fragment, a Son of the Father, a scintilla of the Spiritual Sun, containing full divine powers in a latent state."

16 "There is a quotation to the effect that 'God wills to see, and behold the eye'. Even so the innermost Self wills to express itself outwardly, to become aware, to know, to commune."

17 "There is a spiritual alchemy by means of which adversity resulting from actions motived by selfishness can be diminished or even dispersed by the deliberate exertion of energies and the enactment of deeds motivated by love. This spiritual mode of life constitutes the 'Way of Holiness' of Isaiah, the 'strait and narrow way' of Christianity, the 'Noble Eightfold Path' of Buddhism and the 'razor-edged Path' of Hinduism."

18 "Despite its denial by man, the fact of oneness remains. From that unity, that one Source, is derived the God-Self of man, the Inner Ruler Immortal. From and through that Immortal Self, Power from the One Source is flowing."

19 "In diverse forms a common soul we see." G. Matheson

20 "There is in existence in the whole Universe only one Spiritual Essence, one Spiritual Being, one Divine Flame – and the Spiritual Self of man is forever at one with that all-inclusive One Alone. This is the one great truth."

21 "Indeed, in his spiritual, intellectual, psychical and physical nature man is a miniature replica of the whole order of created beings and things, a model of the totality of Nature…Man as Monad contains within himself the collective aggregate of all that has ever existed, does at any time exist, and will ever exist throughout the eternity of eternities."

22 "This is the true solution: self-knowledge."

23 "What part should man play in the scheme of things? Selfless collaboration with the evolutionary plan."

24 "The one Universal Law guides unerringly." H. P. Blavatsky, 'TheTheosophical Glossary'

25 "When we examine the sacred books of various religions and the original sayings of the world's greatest teachers, we are able to perceive a singular uniformity."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite