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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Basic Theosophy
Geoffrey Hodson

1 "A gardener or farmer plants his seeds underground and, in due course, the new plants appear and complete their cycle of growth, which is generally consummated in the production of more seeds. The One Life, the One Law and the One Energy, to which the name 'God' has been given, would seem similarly to provide for the innermost selves of humanity the conditions necessary for the germination and development of their limitless, but at first seed-like deific powers. These conditions have some analogy with those provided for the seed of a plant when it is planted in the soil."

2 "As a sponge is in the ocean and the ocean is in a sponge, so we are in God and He is in us." Rufus Mosely

3 "There is but one Spiritual Will in the Cosmos, and the Will-Self of man is an embodiment thereof. Full recognition of this fact is the highest vision, and its ratification in action is the secret of well-being."

4 "Behind all existence is one Supreme Power, one Energy, one Force, one Law, and, because of this characteristic of oneness, all the components of that One are united in the One Alone."

5 "The expansive pressure of the divine will is the Power behind the whole process of evolution."

6 "The pain of bereavement and the fear of death say to us: 'Seek the inner consciousness and seek it ardently. For when found it will banish both fear of death and pain of bereavement.' In our inner selves and in our hearts, if we will let them speak, we know these things."

7 "Man can master circumstances and make of each experience an opportunity for a fresh beginning, however heavily the past may weigh upon him."

8 "The ideal is not a universalised set of conditions and a uniformity of human personality, but full individual development, with readiness to combine and to co-operate in the great causes of human happiness and progress."

9 "Man is a God-in-the-becoming. This, the ancient Sages taught, is the destiny of man: fully to make manifest his inherent powers."

10 "Send out affection to all – flooding every living creature with the power of love."

11 "The deity-to-be is already present embryonically within every human being."

12 "Despite its denial by man, the fact of oneness remains. From that unity, that one Source, is derived the God-Self of man, the Inner Ruler Immortal. From and through that Immortal Self, Power from the One Source is flowing."

13 "This is the way of happiness and of the fulfilment of life: 'He that is greatest among you shall be your servant.' (Matthew 23:11)."

14 "God IS all-powerful, all-loving and all-wise. There IS a Plan – Evolution – and despite human resistance that Plan is certain to succeed."

15 "God and man are one and indivisible throughout all eternity. This is the one supreme truth taught in all Mystery Schools and in all religions."

16 "We live in God. That's what we breathe."

17 "Actions which help and heal others and which preserve and restore, when disturbed, the harmony of the Universe, are in accord with cosmic purpose and so produce happiness, which is moreness, fullness, and accord. One should therefore be harmonious and a harmoniser. Herein lies the individual contribution to the solution of the problem of war; for when the harmonisers become a majority peace will reign."

18 "Within-ness and without-ness use both infinite, but also one."

19 "All these parts of the Cosmos…are in correspondence or harmonious interaction or mutual resonance with each other."

20 "Ultimately, the message of the Unity of Life will be recognised as a divine instruction, as impelling summons, an irresistible command. When this time comes there will be health for mankind and peace upon Earth."

21 "All seeds and all beings, forces and laws, constitute that totality of existence to which alone may be truly given the title 'God'."

22 "That nature only is good when it shall not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self." Dadistan-i-dinik, 94:5 (Zoroastrian)

23 "Humaneness, which is obedience to the law of love in thought, feeling, word and deed, is the only way to lasting world peace."

24 "Man is indeed a mystery, since he contains germinally within himself all his Creator's manifested attributes and powers and, in addition, those which will continue to become manifest throughout unending ages."

25 "In diverse forms a common soul we see." G. Matheson

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite