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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Isis Unveiled
Helena P. Blavatsky

1 "The human mind has, under the necessary operation of its own laws, been compelled to entertain the same fundamental ideas, and the human heart to cherish the same feelings in all ages."

2 "Of all the duties, the principal one is to acquire the knowledge of the supreme soul (the spirit); it is the first of all sciences."

3 "God fills up the whole creation, for he is in all, and all is in him."

4 "The myth is the undisclosed thought of the soul. The characteristic trait of the myth is to convert reflection into history."

5 "The undercurrent of this world is set toward one goal; and inside of humanity is a power almost infinite, a holy faith capable of apprehending the supremest truths of all existence."

6 "Every imagination of humanity comes through the heart, for this is the sun of the microcosm, and out of the microcosm proceeds the imagination into the great world….the imagination of humanity is a seed."

7 "As the Soul of the World permeates the whole Cosmos, even beasts must have in them something divine."

8 "We express the likeness of the divine nature in which the very Best Creator, from the archetype of his own mind, engraved with his finger (that is, his spirit), the eternal law of honesty; by this we are joined to God and made one with God." Origen, 'Sixth Epistle to the Romans'

9 "The human spirit is so great a thing that no one can express it; as God is eternal and unchangeable, so also is the spirit of humanity." Paracelsus

10 "God is in all things, as the ancients have observed it with a worthy correctness."

11 "The real selfhood is at the basis of all."

12 "God blesses equally every beast of the field and every living creature, in the water as in the air, and He endows them all with life, which is a breath of His own Spirit."

13 "Who can study carefully the ancient religious and cosmogonic myths without perceiving that this striking similitude of conceptions, in their esoteric spirit, is the result of no mere coincidence, but manifests a concurrent design? It shows that already in those ages which are shut out from our sight by the impenetrable mist of tradition, human religious thought developed in uniform sympathy in every portion of the globe."

14 "Every..symbol is an embodied idea, - combining the conception of the Divine Invisible with the earthly and visible."

15 "Even so small a thing as the birth of one child upon our planet has its effect upon the universe, as the whole universe has its own reactive influence upon him."

16 "The universe is the combination of a thousand elements, and yet the expression of a single spirit."

17 "Simple common sense precludes the possibility that the universe is the result of mere chance."

18 "Every particle contains God within itself."

19 "You have in yourself something similar to God, and therefore use yourself as the temple of God."

20 "Every soul has some portion of 'nous', reason, a person cannot be a person without it."

21 "Human-spirit proves God-spirit, as the one drop of water proves a source from which it must have come."

22 "God blesses equally every beast of the field and every living creature, and He endows them all with Life, which is a breath of His own Spirit."

23 "God formed things as they first arose according to forms and numbers." Plato, 'Timaeus'

24 "The Divine mind is eternal, and it is pure light, and poured out through splendid and immense space." Codex Nazaraeus, 1. 23

25 "The forces of the universe are ever in perfect harmony with the one great Immutable Law."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite