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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Revelations of Divine Love
Juliana of Norwich
This modern translation of Juliana's mystical experiences captures beautifully her creative imagery, and reveals a woman whose visions of God are inspiring to all.

1 "We are as well preserved in love when we are in woe as when we are in well-being, by the goodness of God."

2 "We have, from the fulness of our nature, the power to desire wisely and truly to know our own soul, by which we are taught to seek it where it is, and that is in God."

3 "Our nature is whole in God….He keeps nature whole."

4 "We are all one in love."

5 " the ground, he is the substance, he is the same thing that nature is."

6 "He who made all things for love, keeps them in the same love and shall do so forever."

7 "The fulness of joy is to behold God in everything, for by the same blessed power, wisdom and love that he made everything, our good Lord leads it to the same end continuously, will himself bring it there,…and we shall see it."

8 "Our reason is grounded in God, who is substantial nature."

9 "Faith is nothing other than a proper understanding of our being, with true belief and certain trust, that we are in God and he is in us, though we do not see it."

10 "Our Lord God Almighty, who is All-wisdom and All-love, does or brings about all that is done, just as truly as he has made all things that exist."

11 "Our life is entirely grounded and rooted in love and without love we cannot live."

12 "Out of Him we all come; in Him we are all enclosed."

13 "Love was without a beginning, is, and shall be without an ending."

14 "Nothing is done by chance or accident, but all is done by the foreseeing wisdom of God."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite