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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Covenant of the Heart, Meditations of a Christian Hermeticist on the Mysteries of Tradition
Valentin Tomberg
The power of these meditations is that they reflect the author's personal spiritual journey into the depths of God's kingdom within...within the soul, within personal relations, within nature, within the cosmos.

1 "Intuition is the faculty of knowledge which results from instinct that is illumined by reason."

2 "As an idea, the resurrection is the realisation that God is divinely generous, that he does not take away again what he has once given and granted, but that his gifts – existence, consciousness, freedom, and creative activity – are valid for all eternity."

3 "God wills it that man may fulfill his earthly experience and task, even when they have been interrupted by death."

4 ""It is impossible for a peaceful and concentrated reader (i.e., for a meditative reader) of the Gospels not to begin to love the person of Jesus Christ, and also not to sense him as a working and actual reality."

5 "Moral logic, the logic of divine wisdom,…comes about in the human being from the union – or even fusion – of the thinking of head and heart."

6 "The being or substance of the true self of man, the breath of life, which is breathed out by God, is the breath of love, of God's love, which is the origin – and also the very being itself – of the life of the soul."

7 "Just as the human being needs the air to breathe for his physical life, so he also has need of breathing in God – through prayer and meditation – for his soul life."

8 "The world of the senses, the kingdoms of nature, testify to the all-pervasive wisdom of God."

9 "Just as the self of the human being is the centerpoint of the plurality of manifestations of his life of soul, so is the ONE God, transcending the self, the centerpoint of the world."

10 "Oneness or unity encompasses all numbers, and all numbers should be reduced back to unity."

11 "It is only in love that freedom is perfect."

12 "Faith is not simply a matter of holding something to be true but of experiencing the breath of eternal God, bestowing being."

13 "God is eternal Being. And the true self of man is eternally coming into being as the breath of life from eternal Being. The Self of man rests in the breath of the Godhead."

14 "Through the world of temporal existence there streams the breath of the presence of eternal being."

15 "From the very beginning, man was created as a bearer of love. He is not simply homo sapiens, but over and above this he is potentially homo amans."

16 "Not only Genesis, but also the Bhagavad Gita, speaks of the law of repeated impulses of the divine spirit intervening in order to maintain the level of intensity of the original life-impuse of the world."

17 "There are many levels of freedom. But the highest is that of love."

18 "The state of the risen Jesus Christ is the goal and the hope of the path of destiny of mankind. It is the most perfect ideal of which one could ever think or dream."

19 "Justice represents the crown of Man's moral development – what might be called 'wisdom become flesh'."

20 "Just as the seed determines the future ways and stages of growth, so the Good Shepherd decides the ways of development of the true being of mankind and leads them along these ways."

21 "Impulses of will are immersed in the streams of world-will-energy and are 'plugged in' to them."

22 "God is not a phenomenon that exists alongside other phenomena. He is the very source of 'selfness', more intimate and more inward than the most intimate and most inward that we know."

23 "Love is and remains for all time the sanctuary of freedom."

24 "The archetype of the human being is God…'God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him' (Genesis 1:27)."

25 "The solemn majesty of the starry heaven proclaims the presence – the all-pervading presence – of the holy Being underlying the universe."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite