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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Atman Project
Ken Wilber
A transpersonal view of human development, with a profound and lucid insight into our nature and destiny.

1 "All sentient beings possess the Buddha Nature." The Nirvana Sutra

2 "This entire movement of evolution simply continues from unity to unity until there is only Unity."

3 "Wherever there is other, there is fear." The Upanishads

4 "As Aristotle put it, when all potential has been actualized, the result is God."

5 "Evolution – wherever it appears – manifests itself as a series of transcendences, of ascents, of emergences – and emergences of higher-order WHOLES."

6 "According to the perennial philosophy, the re-discovery of this infinite and eternal Wholeness is men and women's single greatest need and want."

7 "From the very beginning, all creatures intuit God. From the start, men and women intuit their prior Atman nature, and this acts like a huge unconscious magnet, so to speak, drawing them onward and upward toward that perfect release in the superconscious All."

8 "Every conscious being, precisely as he or she is, is a perfect embodiment and expression of the Ultimate. What every individual is, before he is anything else, is the Dharmakaya – the Body of very Truth."

9 "All things and events, while remaining perfectly separate and discrete, are only One."

10 "ALL individuals are touched by God, and all sentient entities intuit God."

11 "Each stage of psychological growth is a step closer to God."

12 "Each successive stage achieves a higher-order unity, and this continues until there is ONLY Unity."

13 "At its peak, the soul becomes one, literally one, with the deity-form, with the dhyani-Buddha, with God. One dissolves into Deity, as Deity – that Deity which, from the beginning, has been one's own Self or highest Archetype. In this way only could St. Clement say that he who knows himself knows God." 69

14 "The ultimate psychology is a psychology of fundamental Wholeness, or the superconscious All."

15 "Infinite, all-pervading and all-embracing Consciousness is both One and Many, Only and All, Source and Suchness, Cause and Condition, such that all things are only a gesture of this One, and all forms a play upon it. As Infinity, it demands wonder; as God, it demands worship; as Truth, it demands wisdom; and as one's true Self it demands identity."

16 "Venerable Ones, get to know the One who plays with these shadows. He is the original source of all the Buddhas. Knowing him, wherever you are is home." Zen Master Rinzai

17 "Meditation is a sustained instrumental path of transcendence…It is the natural and orderly unfolding of successively higher-order unities, until there is only Unity, until all potential is actual, until all the ground-unconscious is unfolded as Consciousness."

18 "Every individual – every sentient being – constantly intuits that his prior Nature IS the infinite and eternal, All and Whole."

19 "Man is born the son of God, participating totally in the nature of the Supreme Principle of the Universe." Hubert Benoit, 'The Supreme Doctrine'

20 "There are NO radically separate entities anywhere – the boundary between subject and object is ultimately illusory."

21 "'Anima Naturaliter Christiana', said Tertullian, by which he meant that 'the soul is endowed from the outset with the knowledge of God."

22 "Be only love in all conditions."

23 "Evolution continues until there is only Unity, ultimate in all directions."

24 "In this moment and this moment and this, an individual IS Buddha, is Atman, is the Dharmakaya."

25 "Just as the arms and legs and fingers are quite different entities but also are parts of one body, so all things and events in the universe are aspects of one fundamental Whole."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite