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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Pseudo-Dionysius, The Complete Works
John Farina, Editor-in-Chief
Complete works of Dionysius the Aeropagite

1 “God precontains all opposites in one single, universal cause.”

2 “The goodness of the Deity has endless love for humanity.”

3 "Everything in some way partakes of the providence flowing out of this transcendent Deity which is the originator of all that is. Indeed nothing could exist without some share in the being and source of everything. Even the things which have no life participate in this, for it is the transcendent Deity which is the existence of every being."

4 "To praise this divinely benificent Providence you must turn to all of creation. It is there at the center of everything and everything has it for a destiny. It is there 'before all things and in it all things hold together (Col. 1:17)."

5 "He is all in all, as scripture affirms, and certainly He is to be praised as being for all things the creator and originator, the One who brings them to completion, their preserver, their protector, and their home, the power which returns them to itself, and all this in the one single, irrepressible, and supreme act."

6 “There is only one Providence over all the world, a supra-being transcending all power visible and invisible.”

7 "No duality can be an originating source; the source of every duality is a monad."

8 "The name 'One' means that God is uniquely all things through the transcendence of one unity and that He is the cause of all without ever departing from that oneness. Nothing in the world lacks its share of the One…that One which in its utterly comprehensive unity uniquely contains all and everything beforehand, even opposites."

9 “There is a concerned and authoritative Providence and Lordship over all things.”

10 “Nothing possessed of being lies outside the workings of Providence.”

11 "The divine Light, out of generosity, never ceases to offer itself to the eyes of the mind, eyes which should seize upon it for it is always there, always divinely ready with the gift of itself."

12 "He makes our life, disposition, and activity something one and divine….Formed of light, initiates in God's work, we shall be perfected and bring about perfection."

13 "Each god has his sympathetic representative in the animal, the vegetable, and the mineral world." Proclus (410-485ad), Greek philosopher

14 "Providence occurs everywhere."

15 “Providence has neither a beginning nor an end, and is open to all and encompasses all.”

16 "Each bestirs itself and all are stirred to do and to will whatever it is they do and will because of the yearning for the Beautiful and the Good…..The divine longing is Good seeking good for the sake of the Good."

17 “This transcendently real Godhead is the source of everything. It is the cause which gives being. It is the power holding all things together and the goal embracing all things.”

18 “God penetrates without hindrance through everything.”

19 “As St. Paul said and as true reason has said, the ordered arrangement of the whole visible realm makes known the invisible things of God.”

20 "We must learn about Wisdom from all things. As scripture says, 'Wisdom has made and continues always to adapt everything (Ps. 104:24). It is the cause of the unbreakable accomodation and order of all things and it is forever linking the goals of one set of things with the sources of another and in this fashion it makes a thing of beauty of the unity and the harmony of the whole."

21 “Wisdom is the One who renews and makes perfect.”

22 “The reality is that all things are contained beforehand in and are embraced by the One in its capacity as an inherent unity.”

23 “Every number preexists uniquely in the monad and the monad holds every number in itself singularly. Every number is united in the monad; it is differentiated and pluralized only insofar as it goes forth from this one.”

24 "There is a simple self-moving power directing all things to mingle as one; it starts out from the Good, reaches down to the lowliest creation, returns then in due order through all the stages back to the Good, and thus turns from itself and through itself and upon itself and toward itself in an everlasting circle."

25 "The soul has movement – First it moves in a circle, that is, it turns within itself and away from what is outside and there is an inner concentration of its intellectual powers. A sort of fixed revolution causes it to return from the multiplicity of externals, to gather in upon itself and then, in this undispersed condition, to join those who are themselves in a powerful union. From there the revolution brings the soul to the Beautiful and the Good, which is beyond all things, is one and the same, and has neither beginning nor end."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite