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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Story of Philosophy
Will Durant

1 "Without these Ideas – these generalizations, regularities and ideals – the world would be to us as it must seem to the first-opened eyes of the child, a mass of unclassified and unmeaning particulars of sensation; for meaning can be given to things only by classifying and generalizing them, by finding the laws of their beings, and the purposes and goals of their activity."

2 "God is the causal chain or process, the underlying condition of all things, the law and structure of the world."

3 "A friend is one soul in two bodies." Aristotle

4 "Justice is not mere strength, but harmonious strength – desires and men falling into that order which constitutes intelligence and organization; justice is not the right of the stronger, but the effective harmony of the whole."

5 "The greatest good is the knowledge of the union which the mind has with the whole of nature." Spinoza

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite