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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Man and Spirit, The Speculative Philosophers
Saxe Commins and Robert N. Linscott, editors

1 "God governs all things immediately; God possesses, in its very essence, the government of all things, even of the very least." Thomas Aquinas, 'Treatise on Divine Government'

2 "The parts of the world are all so related and linked to one another, that I believe it impossible to know one without the other and without the whole." Blaise Pascal, 'Pensees'

3 "Virtue means nothing but acting according to the laws of our own nature." Baruch Spinoza, 'Foundations of the Moral Life'

4 "Every creature may be compared to God as the air is to the sun which illuminates it." Thomas Aquinas, 'Treatise on the Divine Government'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite