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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Discipleship in the New Age
Alice A. Bailey

1 "Whether I am on the burning ground or on the mountain top, whether I am silent in the secret place or surrounded by the surging crowds of humanity, it matters not. The lessons of divine indifference, once mastered, release the soul to union with the One."

2 "I am a messenger of Light. I am a pilgrim on the way of love. I do not walk alone but know myself as one with all souls, and one with them in service. Their strength is mine. This strength I claim. My strength is theirs and this I freely give. A soul, I walk on earth. I represent the ONE."

3 "There is in reality no separation or duality, no I, or Thou, but simply a God in manifestation, Whose nature is Light."

4 "I saw all forms gathered within the Form of God. Thus one great Form appeared."

5 "Ponder on joy, happiness and bliss; these release the channels of the inner life and reach – in a wide circle – many kinds of people."

6 "Pessimism is related to an unjust appraisement of the quality of humanity."

7 "The will-to-good is the basic quality of divine purpose, involving planned activity and a definite goal to be achieved."

8 "The nature of the soul is love and the will-to-good."

9 "Love is the incentive of our aspiration on the Path; Love is the substance of our living in the world. Love is the light and the light of freedom for all creatures; Love pulses through the universe in a divine rhythm. Love is the consciousness of God."

10 "Loving understanding is the truest wisdom."

11 "The beauty of the human heart has manifested itself down the ages."

12 "Nothing can stop the eventual success of the Plan; it is simply a question of time."

13 "When the Plan is sensed, there comes the realisation of the unity of all beings, of the synthesis of world evolution and of the unity of the divine objective. All life and all forms are seen then in their true perspective; a right sense of values and of time then eventuates."

14 "Love is the cause of all creation and the sustaining factor in all living."

15 "Give to each other real love in the times that lie ahead, for it is the fusing and illuminating element in the life of the disciple. Let not your love remain theoretical, but give that true understanding which ignores mistakes, recognises no barriers, refuses all separating thoughts, and surrounds each other with that protecting wall of love that meets all need wherever possible – physical, emotional and mental.

16 "Work with symbols will be found of real value if you persevere. I would give you a hint about them which your intuition will reveal. Where the converging lines of any symbol meet and where the many lines cross there is a point of force and of illumination, a focussed centre through which the illumined mind can pierce. Ponder on this."

17 "One's spiritual influence can be lasting and can carry with it releasing power to those we love."

18 "The major liberating force in life is Love."

19 "Groups are forming now in their thousands and are to be found in every land, and they will eventually blend and fuse together into one great movement of goodwill, which is spirit in actual expression."

20 "We live in a veritable sea of moving forces, qualified in countless ways, conditioned by countless minds….yet all of them perforce finding place in the mind content of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being."

21 "Intense dynamic interest in the theme of the moment, free from fanaticism and boundaries, realising that – rightly handled – all themes are of spiritual moment."

22 "Prayer of the ancient past becomes the present effort of the distant future."

23 "In the realm of the soul there is no separation but only a free circulation of spiritual life, light and love."

24 "Love is the substance of our living in the world. Love is the light and the light of freedom for all creatures; Love pulses through the universe in a divine rhythm. Love is the consciousness of God."

25 "The Law states that we grow through the medium of our recognitions. A recognition, when it is seen as an aspect or fractional part of a greater whole, is the seed of a major expansion of consciousness."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite