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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Problems of Humanity
Alice A. Bailey

1 The fact of [our] innate divinity explains the urge at the heart of everyone for betterment, for experience, for progress, for increasing realization and for our steady moving on towards the distant height which we have visioned. There is no other explanation of the capacity of the human spirit to emerge out of darkness, out of …death into life and goodness. This emergence has been the unfailing history of humanity. Something is always happening to the human soul which projects us nearer to the Source of all good and nothing on earth can arrest this progress nearer to God."

2 "Nothing…can arrest the progress of the human soul on its long pilgrimage from darkness to light, from the unreal to the real, from death to immortality, and from ignorance to wisdom."

3 "Christ cared only that people should recognize that God is love, that all are the children of the one Father, and, therefore brothers; that humanity's spirit is eternal and that there is no death; He longed that the Christ within everyone (the innate Christ consciousness which makes us one with each other and with Christ) should flower forth in all its glory; He taught that service was the keynote of the spiritual life and that the will of God would be revealed."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite