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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Walter Scott, translator
The ancient Greek and Latin writings which contain religious or philosophic teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus. From the Introduction: "If one were to try to sum up the Hermetic teaching in one sentence, I can think of none that would serve the purpose better than the sentence, 'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.'"

1 "The movements are diverse and many, and the bodies differ one from another, but there is one ordered system which extends through all." Libellus XI:9

2 "God made a law by which he ordained that all the souls alike should be everlasting, inasmuch as they were all made of one substance."

3 "For all things that exist are in God, and are made by God, and are dependent on him, whether they be things that put forth activity by means of their bodies, or things that effect movement by means of soul-stuff, or things that generate life by means of vital breath, or things that receive into themselves the bodies that life has quitted. And there will never come a time when anything that exists will cease to be; for God contains all things, and there is nothing which is not in God, and nothing in which God is not. Nay, I would rather say, not that God contains all things, but that, to speak the full truth, God is all things." Libellus IX:9

4 "It is God's Will that constitutes the existence of all things that are." Libellus IX:2

5 "All these souls which shift about from place to place throughout the Kosmos are, so to speak, parted off and portioned out from one soul, even the soul of the universe."

6 "There is not, and has never been, and never will be in the Kosmos anything that is dead. For it was the Father's will that the Kosmos, as long as it exists, should be a living being." Libellus XII:15b

7 "For as a man cannot live without breathing, even so God cannot exist without making that which is good; and that is life. He is ever at his work, and is himself that which he makes." Libellus XI:17c

8 "The Kosmos moves within the very life of eternity, and is contained in that very eternity whence all life issues."

9 "The ordered system in which each and all by the supreme Artist's skill are wrought together into a single whole yields a divinely musical harmony, sweet and true."

10 "Man has been made by God in the image of God. God has fashioned with consummate skill each member of [the human] body; every one of the members is perfectly adapted both for use and for beauty."

11 "God makes all things for himself; and all things are parts of God. And inasmuch as all things are parts of him, God is all things. Therefore, in making all things, God makes himself."

12 "God is the Maker of all things, and makes all things like to himself."

13 "All things that come to pass by nature come to pass according to Providence, and there is no place destitute of Providence."

14 "God is the first of all things, and the universe is divine, and nature is divine."

15 "All individuals are united to the whole; so that we see that the whole is one, and of the one are all things."

16 "God is all things; from him are all things; and all things are dependent on his will, and on his inimitable wisdom."

17 "Man is a being of divine nature."

18 "The sky is moist and dry, cold and hot, bright and obscured by turns; these are the rapidly alternating forms included under the one ideal or universal form of the sky. The earth is ever passing through many changes of form; it generates produce, it nourishes the produce it has generated, it yields all manner of crops, with manifold differences of quality and quantity; and above all, it puts forth many sorts of trees, differing in the scent of their flowers and the taste of their fruits. Water takes different forms, now standing, and now running. Fire undergoes many changes, and assumes godlike forms;…they are like our mirrors, and reproduce the ideal or universal form in visible copies with rival brilliance."

19 "The Kosmos is ever one, and is a living and ever-living being."

20 "The Lord manifests himself ungrudgingly throughout the universe; and you can behold God's image with your eyes, and lay hold on it with your hands."

21 "The Kosmos is made by God and contained in God….It is God that is the author of all, and encompasses all, and knits all things together."

22 "The Good is the one thing which is the source of all things, and supplies all things at all times."

23 "There are two images of God; the Kosmos is one, and man is another, inasmuch as he, like the Kosmos, is a single whole built up of diverse parts."

24 "God does not ignore man, but acknowledges him to the full, and wills to be acknowledged by him. And this alone, even the knowledge of God, is man's salvation; this is the ascent to Olympus; and by this alone can a soul become good." Libellus X:15a

25 "God, the Master and Maker and Encompasser of all, is both One and all things;…for the whole which is made up of all things is one."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite