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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The World's Religions
Huston Smith
Chapters on Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Islam, Judaism and Christianity, plus chapters on primal religions such as native traditions of the Americas, Australia, Africa and Oceania, with expanded sections on the inner dimensions of these great religions.

1 "The overwhelming thrust of the Koran is to proclaim the unity, omnipotence, omniscience, and mercy of God."

2 "The entire world should be pervaded with thoughts of loving-kindness."

3 "For nearly two thousand years the first sentence a Chinese child, living in the direct light of Confucius, was taught to read was…'Human beings are by nature good.' We may smile at the undisguised moralizing, but every nation needs it.'"

4 "Every religion mixes universal principles with local peculiarities. The former, when lifted out and made clear, speak to what is generically human in us all."

5 "All life down to its smallest element, can, if rightly approached, be seen as a reflection of the infinite source of holiness, which is God."

6 "The career of a soul as it threads its course…is guided by its choices, which are controlled by what the soul wants and wills at each stage of the journey."

7 "The integrating principle of the whole – the Spirit, as it were, of the universe – instinct without contrivance, flows with purpose." George Romanes, Charles Darwin's colleague

8 "My heart has opened unto every form. It is a pasture for gazelles, a cloister for Christian monks, a temple for idols, the Ka'ba of the pilgrim, the tablets of the Torah and the book of the Koran. I practice the religion of Love; in whatsoever directions its caravans advance, the religion of Love shall be my religion and my faith." Ibn 'Arabi

9 "Everything is prepared for the good of human beings." Yi-Pao Mei, ancient Chinese philosopher, 'Motse'

10 "Seen in perspective, the world is ultimately benign."

11 "The One is none other than the All, the All none other than the One. Take your stand on this, and the rest will follow of its own accord." Seng Ts'an, 'Trust in the Heart'

12 "God is the Cosmic Dancer, whose routine is all creatures and all worlds."

13 "Every moment…is Indra's cosmic net, laced with jewels at every juncture. Each jewel reflects the others, together with all the reflections IN the others."

14 "The various religions are but different languages through which God speaks to the human heart. 'Truth is one; sages call it by different names.' [the Vedas]"

15 "All of us dwell on the brink of the infinite ocean of life's creative power. We carry it within us: supreme strength, the fullness of wisdom, unquenchable joy. It is never thwarted and cannot be destroyed."

16 "The Supreme Being is…everything in his creation. The various forms of creation have some of his spirit within them." Carl Gorman, Navajo (Native American) artist

17 "To the eye of the heart, the world IS God-in-disguise, God veiled."

18 "Underlying the human self and animating it is a reservoir of being that never dies, is never exhausted, and is unrestricted in consciousness and bliss."

19 "If we could really understand life, if we could really understand ourselves, we would find neither a problem. Humanistic psychology proceeds on the same assumption. When 'awareness of experience is fully operating', Carl Rogers writes, 'human behavior is to be trusted, for in these moments the human organism becomes aware of its delicacy and tenderness towards others.'"

20 "Reality is in fact one and perfect."

21 "The prerequisite of political stability is social justice, for it is in the nature of things that injustice will not endure."

22 "There is but one reality, like a brimming ocean, boundless as the sky, indivisible, absolute."

23 "When a heart is illumined by true knowledge, it knows that above all these wars of sects and sectarians presides the one indivisible, eternal, all-knowing bliss." Ramakrishna

24 "You can find God in the world of everyday affairs as readily as anywhere."

25 "I saw my Lord with the eye of the Heart. I said: 'Who are you?' He answered: 'You.'" Al-Hallaj

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite